I saw a post from women who were talking about their experiences of being single and I found it so relatable (I’m a man btw). Since I chose to live alone I realized how much I love my spare time, the fact I can travel wherever I can, go wherever I want without the need to explain anything to anyone, organize my schedule based on how it suits me the best and so on.

I wonder how many men share similar experiences and do you think we’re slowly moving towards a societies where more and more people will live without partners?

  1. I hate to admit it, because I really don’t enjoy being single. But I have more time to focus on my life, work has improved, grades have improved now that I don’t have to give anybody my energy

  2. Just me & my dog, & I love it. Like you said, do what you want, when you want. More than happy to stay this way.

  3. I’m a deeply egoistical person, so the experience has been great!

    The only thing I have to worry about are my neighbours and a few plants

  4. I didn’t really choose it, but I don’t have the choice for now and since I enjoy being alone, it’s not a big deal

  5. Perhaps more people will realise that we aren’t all cut out for relationships

    I’ve never understood them, and I’d probably be terrible at them

  6. I don’t trust people, I feel very much replaceable and I have abandonment issues. So I’d rather keep everyone distant but still have fun. I have needs and I don’t mind connecting to people on the surface but as soon as it gets real all these issues come into full force and I feel like it’s going to go wrong.

  7. I was in a relationship for 7 years, 5 of those we lived together. There’s big drawbacks to both sides. Sleeping next to her was the best sleep I ever got. But after a while you really do miss being able to do your own thing and have alone time. At this point I just can’t see myself finding someone who accepted me the way my ex did. And quite frankly I’m not interested in starting up again. The whole process is fun of course, nothing better than a honeymoon phase. But it’s just a lot of work that I don’t want to put in.

  8. I realized that I don’t really enjoy the extended company of women beyond physical, and I’m not into butt stuff with gay dudes at all. So unless I stumble across a dude I can just jerk off with and travel the world with, I’ll stay single. 😂

  9. Loving it, mate. For the reasons you named. More focus on myself, less awkward scheduling, less stress. I only have to appease myself, help my family and nobody else.

  10. Probably the biggest deterrent for a society where people live without partners is that trying to survive on a single income and without someone to help in case of emergencies is extremely tough if you don’t have a well developed social network.

    Edit: oh, my experience as a single person. Uh, well, I do very poorly on my own because I tend to get stuck in my own head or disassociating on the internet, so I usually stay home and don’t do much at all. But I don’t think that’s necessarily typical from what other people say.

  11. I love every single second of it.
    I do what I want, how I want, when I want, whoever I want.

    I used to think I need a partner… Now I can see it’s really just optional. Unless you are actually planning on having kids, or looking for a serious connection in a daily basis, I really don’t see a point in having a girlfriend/SO

  12. I don’t want to get in a relationship just because. It’s either marriage material until old age or no relationship at all. Not here to waste my time or their time.

    More day-to-day reason: I rarely met someone who meets my standards. I don’t ignore those “little” signs that will most likely develop into major issues down the line. I don’t justify certain “icks” about a women for the sake of having a chance to be with her. Not desperate nor do I struggle with women (somewhat attractive), so I’m not throwing myself into shit situations.

  13. I was married and dated lots after that ended, and the happiest I’ve been is when I’m single. I’ve been single 4 years now, and absolutely love it! Same reasons as you mentioned, and I’m not held back. I feel like a partner gets in the way of my goals and they always try to find a way to try and take me off track or steer me in a different direction.

  14. By 2030 53% of people will be single but if you have hobbies good friends and family relationships manage retirement you’ll do good.

  15. It’s the 2nd year I’ve started . And the lack of compassion is a bit difficult but I think after a while I’ll just become numb to it hopefully .

  16. Being single has its ups and downs but either way you have to stay focus and get what you need

  17. Once I move I’m strongly considering getting a dog. Unlike women dogs won’t betray you and they will love you unconditionally. Get yourself a flesh light and a warmer for it, that will more than do the trick as far as sex goes. Someday when I want to have a kid I’ll either find a woman who agrees on having a kid and coparenting or I’ll adopt.

  18. I prefer it this way. In just about every interpersonal relationship… I get the “must show empathy” and “designated helper” label while others get the “deserves empathy” and “needs help” label. Makes any situation with expectations or commitment into a one-way servitude experience. I’d rather do my own thing and keep personal relationships entirely without expectations… Knowing the direction they will inevitably take.

    Keep people at arms length and they stay polite. Allow people to ever be in a position where they feel they can have expectations on you and they are destined to demand the world with no perspective.

  19. I want to find a woman who I can commit to and spend the rest of my life with, but the longer I live, the more I’m starting to feel like that will never happen. There’s no loyalty anymore. Everyone is just so ready to jump ship the second that it gets difficult or they find the “next” thing or an “upgrade.”

    I’ve been hurt and betrayed and heartbroken one too many times, and I just can’t bring myself to trust that anyone will truly be loyal anymore, so I keep everyone at arms length to keep myself safe.

  20. I just have 0 interest in being in a relationship. It has 0 to do with women, you are lovely. Im just not looking for anyone. Its as simple as that.

  21. The things you’ve stated are huge positives, but personally i’ve started having some health problems recently and have started to think about what having health problems while old and alone would feel like. It makes me swing not all the way, but closer to the companionship side vs. the personal freedom side.

  22. I love the freedom of being single and the spare time that comes with Not supporting a wife/ gf or family. I’m able to live a comfortable life with a part time job. And side hustles. My life is awesome. The woman that I’d give my current life up for has her work cut out for her. She’d need to be a very very very special woman indeed.

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