My(F20) boyfriend (M20) lives about 4 hours away from me. We try our best to see eachother twice a month, either I go up north or he comes down to the city.

I went up north on Saturday night, and I was coming back this afternoon. The whole weekend was great and then it came time to drop me off at the coach bus station.

Of course it’s not easy saying goodbye so I was sad and a bit teary eyed and my boyfriend just hugged and kissed me, said “you’ll see me in 3 weeks you’re fine” handed me my bag and left.

I texted him a while later once the bus got to a rest stop saying that he was acting weird and he could’ve stayed until the bus left. He said he was just sad that I was leaving and didn’t want to cry infront of people. I told him that it kinda hurt my feelings that he left in such a rush especially since I won’t be seeing him for a few weeks. He said it wasn’t a big deal.

Maybe I’m reading too much into it but it just felt like he wanted me to leave quickly. He’s never done that before (usually he’ll stay until the bus leaves and wave)

so yea I’m not sure what to make of that situation

TL;DR : boyfriend leaves me at bus stop in a hurry with no explanation despite never doing that before

1 comment
  1. i would’ve read into it this way too. i say play the waiting game for a little bit. if things keep on getting weird trust your gut. don’t go against your intuition. your body tells you something for a reason.

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