I’ve had nothing but success when I talk to girls at the gym. I’ve gone on several dates and met a lot of really cool women into fitness. Our lifestyles are always so compatible. If they aren’t interested they just politely turn me down and that’s it. Why is it like this big golden rule to never ever flirt at the gym?

  1. It’s not a societal rule. It’s what you find acceptable personally. I do t hit on women at gyms because I treat people how I want to be treated, and I wouldn’t want a person who was as comparably large and terrifying-looking to me as I am to most women to interrupt my workout and ask me out. But that’s my decision.

  2. I think that women feel uncomfortable when men hit on them at the gym. Some guys can be creepy just staring at them. However, there are women at the gym who wear clothing that is revealing or they record themselves doing exercises of themselves and record men staring at them for calling them creepy. I think the best way for men to approach a woman at the gym is to compliment them, find something they have in common, ask if they have a boyfriend, then exchange numbers to plan for a date. If they aren’t interested, then respectfully go about your day. Keep it direct, clear, short, and sweet.

  3. Because if the person isn’t interested and you see each other all the time it could make it potentially awkward. A lot of people also want to stay in the zone and don’t want the distraction. It’s a very personal choice though and it’s not like people wear a shirt that says “yeah, hit on me” or “nay, leave me alone”

  4. Main character syndrome. The women are going about their workout and so many guys see fit to interrupt them, with eye contact, flirting, talking, for their own convenience. Of course the women might be off the market, thinking about their own lives, in the zone, but who cares?

  5. I’m at the gym to get stronger and that’s it. I don’t want to talk to anyone, I don’t want anyone talking to me. I’m typically cracked out on pre-workout, ready to smell some salts and deadlift/squat some heavy weight, so I gotta stay in my zone. That’s me, personally, and I’d imagine most women are there to also just train and go about their day. No ones saying you *can’t*, just don’t be surprised or be rude if a woman gets mad at you for interrupting them or whatever.

  6. Because we can’t know if you are a guy who will accept a rejection, or if you are the guy who will make going back to the gym a scary experience.

    Most of us are busy with jobs and lives and we find that one hour to get to the gym, and suddenly we also need to worry about men stalking us etc, and then maybe we just don’t feel safe going back.

    And before you say that’s dramatic…

    I’ve had someone follow me out of a gym and grab me for several minutes in a crowded parking lot in day light. Women are killed for saying no weekly. Or stalked etc.

    There are plenty of places where social interaction is expected. Clubs, hobby groups, events etc…

    And look if you and a chick are having constant smiles, eye contact, and chit chat at the water foundation, that’s a bit different.

    But if you are walking up to a woman who is working out and not looking at you/ or barely looking/smiling at you….

    Then your worst case scenario you have to consider is a no, her worst case scenario she needs to consider.. stalking, rape, death, having to find a different time or place to work out etc etc…

  7. Unless there has been some form of social cue it’s generally not a good idea but if you’ve noted some sort cue or you’ve caught them creeping than sure.

  8. Because some places, like gyms, can be very uncomfortable for women. Getting constantly harraswd by what you think is ‘just hitting on one girl’, makes some people stop going and never come back. You coming here and saying your hitting on everyone and getting dates is like someone at a ‘take what you need donation center’ grabbing everything they can then braging about how they got all this shit for free.

    Your ruining the gym for girls and you lack the social understanding to even realize it.

  9. I don’t think it is as much “at the gym” as it is the timing at the gym. In the middle of a set is a never do IMO.

  10. I feel super uncomfortable in my gym clothes, they are skimpy and tight (perfect to work out in, not so perfect if you want to avoid men).

    I already have a partner so I only come to the gym to work out and feel better for myself. I avoid eyecontact with all men in the lockerroom so no one comes up to me.

  11. The rule is you’re allowed to if you are very good looking, otherwise they make stuff up about “being just there to work out”

  12. Same as all these goofballs who keep asking if they should ask a girl out at her place of employment, you’re running the risk of making her uncomfortable when all she’s there for (most likely) is to exercise

    You’ve had some success, congratulations but most men don’t and they end up causing issues

  13. People so worried about what other people think. Gawd just don’t be a stalking arsehole. 99% of the girls at my gym go To be Seen and hit on. Relax

  14. Most of the time people go to the gym to mind their own business and that seems to be it. If you are able to hit it off with someone then that’s good, but I can’t say you’ll have success often. It can be intimidating when someone approaches a person at the gym for anything other than asking gym related questions.

  15. Most of the time, its distracting. So don’t do it in the area where the equipment is. Lobby, parking lot, water-fountain places like that are better.

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