**TL:DR: My girlfriend of two years almost never feels like having sex and it sucks.**

My girlfriend and I have been together for just over two years – we got together in the first two weeks of college and have been together ever since. At first, we were having very regular sex, experimenting, and being very passionate in the bed, it was awesome.

However, what felt like after a year of dating I started to notice we were having less and less sex, to the point where now we only have it one or two times a month. The main problem is that it always feels like she’s doing it just for me – we’ve talked about it many times in the past and it always boils down to her saying she “just never feels like it.” She clearly acknowledges that it is affecting me, but nothing is really changing. I have an extremely high sex drive (I could easily have sex 1-2 times every day).

On top of that it feels like she never wants to do anything other than just get it over with. She absolutely refuses to engage in even making out unless we’re in my room with all the blinds down, if I try to engage while were cuddling she immediately tells me how tired she is so I know she doesn’t want to do it (this happens multiple times a week), and even when we do it she never does anything but just let me do all the work (she never gives me head unless I ask or takes control in any regard). It’s like she tries to avoid it all costs and then sits through it once/twice a month, it totally feels like she just does it for me which I appreciate but at the end of the day isn’t satisfying when I know the truth. I feel like I want to do so many crazy, sexy, and experimental things while we’re young and she has no interest whatsoever.

Its so bad because I literally love her so much; outside of our sex drives we like to spend time with one another and she’s one of the coolest girls I’ve ever met – I haven’t met a single other person who I feel is more compatible – and it would break both of our hearts if this is how it ended. I just don’t see a light at the end of the tunnel. It doesn’t help that we started dating right at the beginning of college so I never got to experiment/get my wild phase over with. Like, if its this bad right now (while we’re in college – when our hormones should still be bouncing off the walls), what’s it going to be like ten years from now? Twenty?

1 comment
  1. Just dump her ass.
    She hasn’t come to terms with her sexuality yet.
    Find someone Intune with you.

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