Ok so i dated this girl for **less than 1,5 months.** It’s been over a month since it ended and i still wake up a few times a night feeling very heartbroken. (as soon as i wake i feel heartache before i’m even able to think) Anyone here who has gotten over a short dating ‘breakup’ and how did you do it?

The breakup came really unexpected as we were talking all day long. Her ex came back into her life so she couldn’t continue with me. I only met up with her 8 times in total, so i’m not sure why i’m such a mess. I think it’s because i idealize her because it was too short of a time to see any flaws or bad things. We both just tried to impress eachother on all the dates. When i was dating her it wasn’t even that special or exciting, but since she rejected with me i notice i’m constantly thinking of her.

I’ve deleted all pictures and chats and unfollowed her, but i still have the bad habit of checking if she’s still following me on instagram. I check this everyday as if it even matters at this point. The heartache is unbareable at times, and i can’t see how i’m so broken over something so short. I try to focus on self improvement but my concentration in completely gone. I’m also reading too many breakup stories and feel stuck in a loop. How do i leave this behind and move on?

  1. Sometimes those short ones hurt just as much as longer ones lol it’s weird. And everyone handles it differently. For me, I just forget their number and try to move on with my schedule. I work out, I focus on my eating, and my hobbies as usual. Not holding up production just because of someone I knew for a couple months. Then again, I tend to move on relatively quick from these things, so it might take some time.

  2. You need to checking her IG and block her.

    Take up strenuous physical training. You need an outlet to vent your frustration. No sleeping in lazily, binge eating or sleepless night.

    Go out with your friends and enjoy yourself.

    And start dating. New girl will take your mind of this one.

  3. My ex and I broke up after a year together and it’s been about 8 months since that day. I tried dating other people, and made sure to get out of my apartment often. Although I moved on from my ex, I haven’t fully recovered and still feel hurt. It hurts to love someone and give them a lot of effort into the relationship but realize they didn’t reciprocate your feelings. Everyone is different and will take different amounts of time to recover.

  4. I get alcohol poisoning levels of drunk and then never want to think about what I drank or the woman again.

    I don’t really reccomend this for other people.

  5. 1. Escorts.

    2. Knowing that this too shall pass. It’s painful in the beginning but time heals.

    3. Move on to someone else.

    4. Keep busy: exercise, read, develop a passion or hobby. Idle time will whip your worst thoughts into a frenzy.

  6. Meet other people. Not necessarily to bang them could be randos at the bar. The point is making new memories with new people. Doesn’t have to be sex at all, go play trivia night at the neighborhood bar or go throw some axes at the axe league or whatever, as long as it’s with completely new people who obviously can’t remind you of her.

  7. Keeping yourself busy instead of lounging around and pondering it is always a good one. Looking for hobbies or such to focus and honing in on skills

  8. Time will do the thing. But maybe you’re hurt because of the fact that she went back with her ex. Like she choose someone else over you and you know it. Maybe that’s a small hit to your ego.
    It’s okay, accept it, cry a couple of times, feel the pain and then one day you just will not think about it anymore.
    And then next time, you’ll know better if any similar situation might come around.
    No rush my friend, enjoy life as it comes

  9. Time and reflection on the former relationship. But sometimes you just gotta push the heartbreak aside and keep going.

  10. Any efforts to move on will be pointless until you accept one fact: there was never anything special about this girl in question. Everything about her is readily available elsewhere.

  11. Time I suppose. My only long relationship, and it was a harrowing break-up, although done as respectfully and empathetically as it could be. I feel that made it worse. But time helps and heals; I haven’t been able to move on in a lot of ways because I was cast into a world of OLD, and just not being attractive enough in a system that demanded that of me.

    Time and rationalising your place in society. And having projects that focus on improving yourself tangibly. The idea that you are constantly evolving is a beautiful feeling. I couldn’t use Power BI last year, and now I am fairly adept at it…so that kind of accomplishment can feel great.

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