My buddy is getting married at the end of this year and he wants me to plan the bachelor party! The truth is, I’ve never been to a wedding, reception, or bachelor party.

I consider myself to be pretty heavily involved when it comes to making group plans on other occasions, but I am completely out of the loop when it comes to anything in this category.

So my question is, what was your bachelor party like and how did you or anyone else go about planning it?

  1. Find an activity that he finds fun, and get all his buddies/brothers to come. It could be anything, like a gaming night, paintballing, going to a casino, whatever. Make sure there’s some booze.

  2. I never had a bachelor party since I’m not married but the funnest bachelor party I’ve been to was just the boys and I on a boat fishing with beers.

  3. Have a morning idea, like go for breakfast somewhere

    Then plan the afternoon like an activity of some sort

    Then plan the evening so just go get drinks, get smashed etc.

    Then plan things specifically for your friend getting married for example, you can give him like 7 task he must complete by the end of the day, can be anything like take 5 shots on different bars or need to swap shirts with a random stranger etc

  4. That really depends on a number of factors. Are you wanting to do an evening party? A full day? A weekend?

    It really comes down to meal(s), activities, and transportation, and a lot of that will be more based on location. I have been to some that took a party bus and bar hopped, hit the strip clubs, a few have gone to casinos, to see a show (comedian), a concert, golfed/driving range, etc.

  5. Take his interests and combine them into a party. It can be anything really. Then just personalize it as much as possible with all the things he likes and with all the inside jokes you and your buddies have with him. When I planned one for a buddy, I got together with the other groomsmen and we planned it out together and each took on different tasks for it and it was super easy to come up with, and had aspects from all their personal experiences with the guy, so it was very personalized and he loved it. I had never planned one before and we nailed it. Had a blast.

  6. I would have a conversation with everyone of what they’re looking for in an evening or trip for a BP. In nerd games we call this a “rule 0 conversation”. That way you can plan according to everyone’s preferences. The groom chose all of you so at least I theory yall have similar preferences. I say this because if one guy thinks a BP is all strip clubs and alcohol poisoning, and everyone else just wants a chill evening, there’s gonna be a little strife. The outing is centered around the groom so it’s important the outing centers around him. I wanted to go on a charter fishing trip for mine and that’s what we did. It fit in everyone’s budget and it was a good time.

  7. I was the best man and did two bachelor parties. Two very different guys.

    One was a biker friend. We did his on a road trip. Cheap hotel, strip club, then a bar and grill.

    My brother had a weekend. Had a spreadsheet with participants and activities. Golf, fishing charter, brewery tours and whatnot. That was a chore. My best man’s speech was short and sweet as requested.

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