I am definitely not growing any taller than this as I’ve been to the doctor and they’ve told me this is it. So with that what does this mean for my dating life? I’ve always heard the same “just have confidence” stuff but honestly it doesn’t really work especially with my age group. People date on preference and not alot of women have a preference of really short men. I’ve really accepted my height and I’ve come to peace with this but no amount of that will ever change how other see me. I act with indifference when I talk to girls but it never really seems to work. I’m not a very bleak person but I feel like I’m never really gonna experience stuff like that and I’m starting to be ok with it.

  1. You’ve got another 60 years on this planet. How much of it do you want to spend thinking about your height? Yes you will meet some dog shit people who make your height their problem, but you can’t stop or control them in any way. So, how much time do you want to spend on this? Serious question.

  2. I know women in their 30s and 40s who are as short as 4’9. Just wait until you meet one of them, you’re only 17

  3. My friend from high school is 5’2. In his everyone loved him cause he was funny. Now women love him cause he’s funny and a professional body builder.

  4. In 50 now. I started going bald at about 19. I had a fine dating life and eventually married and had kids.

    Lot of people being bald would kill their self esteem, but I had a healthy dose of punk rock that helped me not care.

    Just focus on being a decent person to yourself and partners and so on and you’ll be okay. Bring a good partner is a lot more than just looks it height.

  5. Go to the gym and get jacked, ya’ll short kings get big fast af. Play the cards you were dealt instead of complaining brother.

  6. Consider limb lengthening surgery. It’s expensive so you ll need to get into a career track where you can make a lot of money.

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