What age did you move out of your parents house ?

  1. I haven’t yet. (Though my wife and I have our own apartment within my parents’ home).

  2. It’s kinda irrelevant nowadays, the age is going up as we grow up at a considerably rapid rate. Partly our own faults and partly not. Either way it’s happening

  3. I moved out at 20 and then i moved back in at 22. I was about to move out again when I was 24 but coronavirus hit and i lost my job and lost all my money so now I’m broke and living with my mom at 26.

  4. 18, I ended up moving across the world for university and gave my poor mum a heart attack.

  5. 20, 21 currently, ready to go back as my priorities are more aligned than ever now

  6. At 22… but my parents had already left when I was twenty. (They moved to another city but left my brother and me in the house to finish studying.)

  7. I moved out for good after my time at university and in the military, saved up and bought a house at 28.

  8. I was 19. I moved into an apartment with 3 friends that quickly became the party house. After 4 months there was 10 of us living there and it was a shit show. Myself and 2 others got a different apartment and never let anyone over. I had roommates until I was 23. My first apartment without roommates was a struggle, and it was a shitty tiny apartment, but it got easier.

  9. At the age of 16, got thrown out of my mother’s apartment. One year later I had my own.

  10. I guess 18 when I went off to college? Since then I have only ever stayed at home for a week or 2 at most, except after I graduated when it was two months before I found an apartment. Stayed in my college town or got a summer job as a camp counselor where I live at the camp for the summer.

  11. 18, joined the Army. My fav joke at the time was I moved out of my parents house to live with Uncle Sam. Corny I know.

  12. 30, still here. Hopefully I can get a decent job and save up while I’m still here. But the shame eats me up every day that I wasted so much time and opportunity.

    My mom and I have a great relationship and I pay for many things and help around the house. Just got done today painting most of the interior of the house, in fact. Took me awhile but I did it.

  13. 14, my mom threw me out after I got arrested for a minor drug possession charge, our relationship was rocky for years before, she used to pay people to let me live with them instead of living with her, she abandoned me at 14 and I lived on the streets or with friends until I turned 18.

  14. 17. It was so bad, that I couldn’t make it another year. My mother was a narcissistic, abusive psychopath and she had my dad’s balls in a vice. One night, she and I got into an argument and, as usual, she sent my dad to beat on me. Only this time, I didn’t take it laying down. I fought back and beat him. My mother looked at me with shock and anger. We stood still for what seemed like forever while a million thoughts ran through my head on what I should do next. Finally, the only words I was able to muster were “Try it.” She didn’t, I packed, went to friend’s house, made some calls and found a bedroom to rent from a buddy’s friend the next day. It wasn’t much but I was finally free and although I was hungry, tired and didn’t have the resources that my friends with real parents had.

  15. I was 23. My mom had cancer and I couldn’t move away to college, so I commuted to a local school. I tried moving on campus for junior and senior year but my dad gave me a sob story about how he needed help with mom, despite my school being no more than 45 minutes away during the worst traffic.

    I graduated at 22 during the early 00’s recession and couldn’t find a job. At some point, my dad decided to move to another state with my mom. So, at 23 and with no job, place to live, and no experience living on my own, I was basically kicked out of the house when the household moved out.

    If your parents let you live with them, be grateful. Having a stable home “base” is very valuable.

  16. I’m 42 and still here. I have my own apartment in their house. Both my parents have health issues. My dad has cancer and my mom has too many ailments to list. I have a great relationship with them.

  17. Moved out last year at 23, currently about to move back in at 24 due to shitty living situation.

    In short, buddy of mine lived with his dad. His dad decided to leave the state for work, so I decided to move in with my buddy and split rent/bills. 3 months in, buddy’s dad decided he wants to come back. So he moves back in and it’s been downhill since.

    Constantly drunk, brings home all kinds of trashy people and women. Slamming doors in the middle of the night and early in the morning. Throwing party’s and blasting music.

    Don’t feel like dealing with it anymore. I don’t make enough money to afford my own place since rent in CA is insane right now. Gonna move in with my parents for a little bit while I decide whether I want to switch to active duty just to make more money or apply for my local Highway Patrol. I’m just sick of not having any good reliable income and need to do something with my life before I do something… irreversible…

    Guess we’ll see how things turn out

  18. Mom gave me the boot at 16 after a year or so of cutting school, partying with friends and sleeping all day. Wasn’t really working. She got fed up and told me to figure myself out. Honestly it was the best thing she ever did for me. Got a full time job and a roommates. Then got my own place with a girlfriend. Progressively I improved my working situation and moved in with a new girl after the lat one cheated and dumped me. Now I am 46 and it made me the man I am today. Love my mom dearly and we are closer then ever. Kicking me out killed her to do and broke her heart but it made me the man I am today. Independent and self reliant. I can never thank her enough for that.

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