On Tinder, Hinge, and likely other dating platforms, you can provide details in your family planning intentions. One such detail is saying that you “don’t want kids.”

Was just wondering what everyone thought about how this could be interpreted. Is it a hard no to children forever, a strategy to not scare off short term partners, or something else?

What do you think?

  1. Personally I have no desire to push a giant baby head out of my vagina, but if the guy I’m seeing has kids I’m cook with that. So in my profile I do say I don’t want kids, men are usually intrigued enough to ask why and I explain.

  2. Take it as they mean what they say and are saying it upfront to weed out anyone who might desire kids. Yes it is possible it’s a hard no forever. Never go into a situation where you feel you will try to convince someone to change their mind on that.

  3. i would def perceive it more as the person is just hard set on it, i don’t think most normal ppl would lie abt that preference just to deter short term partners haha. i remember on hinge ppl wouldn’t display that preference often but when i would come across it, i would take it as “oh they are very sure abt this to put it on their dating profile” lol

  4. Um, pretty self explanatory, no?
    If someone writes they don’t want kids,
    Wait for it
    They don’t want kids!

  5. What is there to interpret? If you cross that, you don’t want kids. Its.. not that complicated.

    If you look at todays world, that tag would make me even more attracted to that person.

  6. Leaning on a hard no forever. There is just no point in including anything about kids in your profile if you’re looking for something that isn’t meant to last anyway

  7. I don’t want kids bc I don’t think the world is good enough and prepared enough for them…

  8. On most OLD platforms there are multiple options regarding children. The not wanting is literally one choice. There’s usually an undecided option too.

    To me, I take it literally as that’s now I intend it, I do not want anymore children.

  9. I have that on mine. It means I don’t want them and I don’t want to be involved with you if you have any either.

    I don’t get what you’re trying to ask. Perhaps you like some girl and that’s what her bio says and thus it’s making you feel conflicted because you want kids someday/or have them and knowing she doesn’t is making you feel insecure or unsure whether to approach her. You just didn’t write that part down in your post is all.

    You like kids, the girl you’re interested in doesn’t and that’s making you come on Reddit to ask because deep down you want to see if there’s potential to keep pursing. The person clearly isn’t the right fit if you already want different stuff. Just move on.

  10. It means I don’t want kids. And that way, I can see who is in alignment with that. It saves me some time when people put this info on their profile.

  11. To some it means don’t want more kids. To others (they have kids) it means to them that the person doesn’t want theirs. Tough call. I leave it blank and discuss individually as it’s an individual experience to me.

  12. I don’t ever want kids, my own or someone else’s. So that’s what it means. Hard no forever. I’m not on the app to hookup though. If I was just looking for a hookup, I would leave it blank because it wouldn’t matter.

  13. I dont want kids cause I genuinely despise them especially infants and I do not see anything good about them. I am however willing to compromise and adopt…my stipulation is though no adopting anyone under the age of like 10

  14. It means they don’t want kids. Maybe they’ll change their mind later but at this point they don’t want kids so don’t expect to have kids with them.

  15. I think it’s a conversation you have to have with them. Personally, having children is a dream for me so I automatically skip anyone who shows potential hesitation about children in the future

  16. I never know if it means they won’t date someone with kids.I have seen people put “don’t want kids” and than later in the profile say something like “but it’s ok if you have them”. So then I know. I just don’t want to waste anyone’s time if they don’t want to date someone with a child.

  17. I want kids. Immediately seeing that means I don’t click on their profile.

    Nice to be upfront about it.

  18. I don’t have any active profiles at the moment, but for me personally, it means I don’t want to have any children of my own – I don’t want to be pregnant. I usually put something along the lines of “I don’t mind if you have kids, but I don’t want any of my own”.

    If I see it on a profile, it’s a checkmark in the green flag column, but I understand it could mean you have kids but don’t want additional kids, or you don’t have any and don’t want any in the future. That would hopefully be part of a conversation no later than the 2nd date (unless it’s a more casual arrangement).

  19. Might mean they will get an abortion if preggo no questions asked and will want to marry for the company and the twinky lifestyle, and does not want to procreate

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