We’ve known each other for 6 months, and have been officially together for 4. Things have been going really well, we are madly in love and really enjoy our time together. My previous relationship was pretty terrible, so I have been pretty alert this time trying to identify red flags or signs of toxicity, and so far I haven’t seen that at all.

My question pertains more to, now that we’re getting out of that initial just getting to know each other stage, how can we begin having more conversations about deep, important topics? What questions do I ask? What topics do I cover?

That isn’t to say we haven’t had deep conversations before, we’ve of course talked about the future, goals and dreams, family, mental health issues, etc, but I’m wanting to have these conversations more and dive more deeply into them.

I also want to make sure I’m moving at an appropriate pace, not too fast and not too slow. I know it’s different for every couple, but I just want to make sure I’m seeing things correctly.

What are some great introspective questions or topics to bring up to cultivate a genuine, deep conversation? I want to learn more about my partner, the real person he is, more about his hopes and dreams, more about his past, more about everything. It’s hard to even understand what ‘everything’ consists of, but I know I want to learn about it.

I hope this question isn’t too vague or open-ended. I just want some ideas so I feel prepared when approaching the topic.

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