What do you think of “stealing” somebody’s SO? has someone ever been “stolen” from their partner?

  1. You can‘t “steal” them. If your supposed SO chooses someone else over you, that‘s on them.

  2. People can undermine relationships with lies and by presenting a false picture of the alternatives.

    But I still won’t quite call that stealing. People aren’t objects

  3. no you can’t “steal” a person, you can “lose” a person’s interest, and they can “leave”. I always found it ridicules that girls get overly jealous like “she’s going to steal my bf.” Like it’s not the other girl’s/person’s fault – the problem is usually in the person being “stolen”.

  4. If they can be stolen they were never worth it to begin with. HOWEVER people who intentionally go after someone in a relationship suck ass. Especially if there are kids involved.

  5. They can only be stolen if they legitimately get kidnapped. Otherwise, they obviously weren’t yours to begin with 🤷🏻‍♀️

  6. You cant steal no one, but you shouldnt try either. If you know your crush has a SO already, go find someone else. Even if your crush is faithful, it is still annoying to have someone flirting around and attempting make them cheat.

  7. No one is stolen from their partner. The partner might see it as their SO being “stolen” from them because they thought their SO loved them honestly.

  8. Anyone who uses the term “steal” or “stolen” in regards to them losing their SO to someone else, not only objectifies their partner and took them for granted, but the other party got so fed up anyway and the next person to actually seem like they give a shit, made their way in.

    A solid relationship or marriage has solid unwavering trust and love, that no one else can fit into. If someone else was able to do that, then your relationship wasn’t on solid ground and wasn’t worth having anyway.

  9. I don’t think anyone can be stolen and think the cheater deserves most, if not all of the blame.

    I don’t think it’s cool to go after people in relationships but at the same time, the other person doesnt always know, the cheater can lie and say they’re single or broken up, or that they’re unhappy and going to leave, and to be fair sometimes they do.

    Especially if the girl is like 20 years old. Like you’re expecting a 20 year old to see through your grown, manipulative, lying husband when even you cant?

    Also in many cases it’s not his first time cheating, so how can you blame the woman if he would’ve cheated with anyone that came along.

    Unless the girl was a close friend or family member, maybe even a coworker, I wouldn’t expect anything from her. If you “steal” him, have him because he ain’t loyal.

  10. They aren’t ‘stolen’, they chose to leave of their own free will. Unless we’re talking straight up abduction here.

  11. If someone “stole” my partner I’d be happy for them to take him off my hands. After all, it would be his fault for cheating on me. The other woman would be doing me a favor by revealing his true nature to me so I don’t waste any more time with him.

  12. As everyone says, you can’t steal a person, but… I was engaged when I met my current husband and fell in love with him. My fiancee found out and we had a big blow out. He pulled out knife at me and I thought he was going to kill me. I’m with my husband for 9 years and only now being with him I realised my ex fiancee was emotional and verbally abusive and the way he treated me wasn’t normal. I was young when I met him and didn’t have any boyfriends before that so I didn’t know any better. It’s like my subconscious knew something wasn’t right but I thought he loved me so much and I loved him too, he just showed it differently than I did.

  13. You won’t own your SO so no, another person cannot “steal” them. Your partner is not your property. Obviously it hurts if your partner leaves you for someone else, but they’re never stolen.

  14. You can’t steal a person. You can only steal objects. So if you are objectifying your partner, you are opening the door for them to be stolen

  15. Can’t steal someone that wasn’t open to be pulled to begin with. And no one can steal your partner — you just lost them (which doesn’t turn out to be much of a loss if they have no considerable loyalty or integrity.)

  16. If he’s that gullible or values our relationship so little, Jolene can have him. The only way someone can be ‘stolen’ is if they allow themselves to be ‘stolen’.

  17. My first wife and I were swingers. We had a male friend we would have threesomes with. It be honest it was more her friend than mine. He saw how we lived and started getting the idea that if I was out of the way he could move in and I would have to support them with alimony. He pursue my wife and eventually convinced her he loved her and I was a bad guy. In the end she left me and my teenage kids to go to an apartment. None of his ideas came about and he ended up stealing money from her. So it hurt for a long time. I got over it and today we can be friends and the kids (adults now) have parents that get along for he most part.

  18. I’ve been accused of stealing my husband. He was kind of chatting and hooking up with a mutual friend. Then I came in the picture and told him I liked him and we were exclusive now, and that was that. Married 5 years later.

  19. I’ve never “stolen” anyone, but I’ve been the one that got “stolen” and let me tell you it was AWFUL. Longgg story short, ex and I broke up in 2019. Stayed friends (bad idea). 2 years later, (which is way longer than we ever DATED) I start dating a mutual friend of ours. Ex FLEW off the handle, I got calls from him nearly every day scream crying about how he was still in love with me, how could I do this to him, I’m a “backstabbing wh*re”, my boyfriends going to cheat on me, he’s only using me for my body, how he (my ex) was the only person who could ever *really* love me, lots of gross, emotionally abusive stuff like that. My boyfriend never got any messages from him, but we were told by another mutual friend how ex would rant about my boyfriend “stealing his girl” and how he wouldn’t let a “bastard like him be with the love of his life”. Funny thing is, my ex broke up with ME. And hooked up with one of my friends a WEEK after dumping ME. Crazy ass situation but yeah you can’t STEAL PEOPLE

  20. Like I leave for better paying job?

    These people saying partners gets stolen willingly.
    Where is faith and commitment 😶🙌. What happened to our culture for it be so L.

  21. I’ve been accused of stealing my husband because he was in a relationship when we met. In reality, he realized that being friends with me made him happier than being in a relationship with her, so he dropped her and pursued me. He made the choice, but I was labeled a home wrecker by several of their mutual friends who then cut contact with him. The ironic thing is that his ex doesn’t blame me because she knew they were unhappy, so she was ready to move on.
    Choices were made. Nobody got stolen.

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