To clarify, they do not want to be sexual with other people.

ETA: This is a kink, we are in a very female dominant relationship in the bedroom which is fine, but this was asked if it would be something to be considered.

  1. Discuss it with them to understand why they are asking, but I’d ultimately choose to end the relationship based on that request because our views on sex wouldn’t be compatible. I’d find that request very disrespectful and inappropriate in my relationship as we are in a committed monogamous relationship.

  2. It would likely lead to a break up. I choose to be monogamous in my relationships, and this isn’t something I would ever consider. Clearly if they’re asking it is something that they need to be happy, and that just makes us not compatible.

  3. My husband and I talk a LOT. I asked him if he wanted to have sex with other women (because my libido is kind of gone :/) and he said no. He said he only wants me and this is why he married me. I think the same. He is my man, I love him, I don’t want another man. Simple as that. But we talked about it, I think it’s important to talk things out.

  4. I’d wake up with a start!

    Because of how old school and old fashioned we both are, I know it had to be a bad dream

  5. I’m not a joint to be passed around at a party and if that’s how he sees me it’s not going to work

  6. There would need to be way more clarification. Is this a voyeuristic thing? A cuck thing? Am I expected to perform, or do they want a full accounting of my encounters afterward? Why do they want this suddenly?

  7. If you communicate and trust each other poly or ENM relationships can be very satisfying.

  8. If he wanted me to be sexual with other people I’d say no.
    And if he wanted us/him to be sexual with other people, we’d be incompatible and I’d leave the relationship.

  9. I had this discussion with my partner because his libido is low and mine is high. We both said at the same time “I don’t share” so we’re good. If I had a partner that wanted to have additional partners I would happily move on. It’s for some people but I am not one of those people

  10. “bro, we barely do it enough and now you want me to do it with OTHER PEOPLE?”

    Nah fam. Divorce babe, divorce.

  11. Literally would just dump them. If they’re asking I’m sure they already have someone in mind so go have fun babes 🥰🥰

  12. I’d be okay with it solely because i am okay with the idea of consensual open relationships. I totally understand why most people aren’t okay with it though. We still love each other at the end of the day.

  13. I might be open to the idea of bringing other women into the relationship. But no cis penises are allowed in our bedroom

  14. If it makes my partner happy then sure I’ll cuck him with male or female partners. I’m Demi and my pleasure derives mostly from my partner enjoying our sessions. As long as I’m involved I’m chilling.

  15. It’s a kink. Hear it out. See if it’s for you. If not, find a solution together. But don’t throw a whole man away because he has a kink.

  16. We’re monogamous and won’t be bringing anyone else into our relationship in any way.

  17. There is a lot you are not saying here.
    Has yuor partner provided a reason for this?
    I get a feeling its a personal post.

    I have a fairly low sex drive and have had this solution.
    If that or your partber is aswxual or any other reason i dont think its unreasonable of them to ask you that.

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