For context, my husband and I do not use any drugs or alcohol or smoke. We never have. Ever since high school.

This all started when my husband broke his foot playing basketball. He needed surgery and they gave him Vicodin. I did notice that he was sleeping much better and was much calmer at times.
Then one day I walked in our bedroom and he was just laying there. No tv on, nothing, just laying there staring into nothing. It was obvious he was high off of something and I cried. He said “come snuggle with me” and I told him to stay away from our children while he’s like this.

When he came down we had a discussion and he said it was just an accident he took too much because his foot was really hurting and I bought it.

Recently I got my wisdom teeth taken out and they gave me norco. I’ve avoided it because I know it will make me high, and I want to avoid that. I haven’t taken it once, but I noticed they were almost gone. I talked to him again and he admitted he took them.

After that I disposed of them at the police station.

I thought that was the end but I found more pills in his car. We have 3 cars- my suv, his sedan, and he has an old bmw sports car he drives for fun. I found the pills in his fun car. It was 2 bottles. Vicodin and Oxiconton. I took them and they are in my purse. I found them while he was at work, he is home now, asleep in our bedroom. I just don’t know what to do. I’m absolutely heartbroken, but that doesn’t matter now. What matters is getting my husband back. The sober one.

  1. That is hard to be involved with anyone with an addiction. The secrets suck too. I know how he feels though, that’s basically my past story. However, i found kratom and it helped with withdrawals so much and have been clean. Kratom is addictive and withdrawals aren’t fun but its an easy way to taper off oxy. Unfortunately you can get him treatment but until he is ready to stop, you can’t fix him. Addictions are terrible for everyone but i hope true healing comes. So sorry!

  2. Go to Nar-Anon! Get all the support you need. Not sure how else we can help you but sending all my love.

  3. I know sooooo many people that fell into this due to the meds given to them by a doctor.

    You have to combine keeping yourself safe and providing reasonable support and understanding for him so he can get the help he needs. He probably hates himself more than you hate what he is hiding from you.

  4. I’m really really sorry. I’m going through the exact same thing right now. Unbelievably….it’s magic mushrooms. Husband started out wanting to “microdose” them for his depression (already on Zoloft and Adderall) and turned into full blown gram trips nightly for the last 2 months. Talks insane, acts insane, he’s like the joker. He’s bipolar/manic and they’ve had him in a delusional state for almost 2 months. Won’t listen to ANYONE anymore. 12 years dating, 1 year married. He only has work fooled at this point, for now. I know he’s gonna eventually lose it but he won’t listen and gas lights/calls me toxic. We had a miscarriage in September 22 and we lost my father in November 22 so I’m grieving hardcore and he’s selfish AF. Yours needs help quickly, if he will listen. Mine will not so I am staying with my mother. Good luck to you.

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