After a vigorous massage by my girlfriend, I noticed a lot of blue veins on my penis, which are suddenly very noticeable. It wasn’t like that before and that worries me a lot. The running from behind went through to the foreskin and are here around there like a net to the left and right. Extremely you can see it when you press it. What happened there? Will that regulate itself again? Is that normal?

  1. Are you talking about her jerking you off or literally giving you a massage somewhere else on your body and your penis is looking different now lol if you’re talking about her jerking off that’s normal it’s just the blood flow. It will go away within the hour

  2. Hey i have never looked for dick pics in the internet but because of my problem i have did it and noticed this… most penises, more than every second one, have such blue blood veins and also many small ones like me right now. actually i hadn’t had anything like that before but when i look at pictures on the internet there are a lot of them! That calms me down a bit, which isn’t even more pronounced for many people than it is for me! how about you do you have a lot of blue veins even more when you press or squeeze it? I am Not gay and married. I am just a bit concerned.

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