It mainly happens when I am standing up I need constant stimulation or else it goes bye bye, but if I am laying down its actually fine. should I visit a dr or something? its pretty emberassing for a 20 yr old

  1. Yeah. You should. That’s a bit unusual. And really you should get in the habit of seeing a doc every year.

  2. I always got the impression that most men lose their erections if not stimulated directly. No?

  3. Let’s think about what’s an erection, blood.
    What happens when you stand too long? The blood goes to your legs
    I think you might have low iron or something of the sort but doesn’t sound severe.
    Either way you should see a doc, just because it’s a good habit to get into.

  4. It’s not weird. Pretty normal. Laying down you’re at your most relaxed. Keeping an erection is easy. Just standing around with a boner is pretty boring unless something is really stimulating you. If I’m standing up and not having sex or pleasuring my wife, bye bye hard on.

  5. this is a common problem in very musclebound individuals such as myself. i suggest l-citruline and a good pump/ring

  6. Masterbate standing up. It takes time, be patient. You’ll get to the point where it’s hardon city

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