I know that i shouldnt be having this problem since im only 18 years old, and I shouldn’t be experiencing problems with my sex life. But yesterday, when i was entertaining myself, I didn’t orgasm at all. I got the juice out, yes. But i didnt feel anything. No pleasure, no nothing. I tried once again, thankfully, i felt it, but not as intense as before. Is this normal? Has anyone experienced this before as a teen? I dont know what to do

  1. You know what? Sometimes bodies are just weird. If this was just a one-time occurrence, I wouldn’t worry about it too much.

  2. Delayed gratification can be hard to master, but when it comes to getting better orgasms, it’s well worth it. Try the practice of purposefully delaying orgasm for a more intense erections and final climax. People who pause when they are about 90 percent of the way to climax, and then resumed after slowing down a bit, their eventual erection and orgasm are way more powerful.

    It’s an easy way to amp up your game: Bring yourself to the “edge” of your orgasm, slow down, pause, and then start back up again. Try to do this two or three times before letting yourself go.

    In short to get yourself back on track [this guide](https://366hacks.wordpress.com/2022/08/01/powerful-male/) has a nicely detailed road map drawn for you but basically:

    – do not ejaculate before 15 minutes of hard stroking, and having tp cool off, and then stroking again

    – longer is better! This is your training

    – only one ejaculation per day: wack off all day if you like, but only cum once!

    Remember: only you have your hand on the controls, so it’s up to you to make this go much longer.

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