So my boyfriends birthday is coming up and every single year he says he wants to do something but he doesn’t know what he wants to do and won’t tell me anything he wants. He just says I have to plan it all but then anything I suggest he says no too💀🥲 it’s so annoying! It’s his birthday he should choose where we go to spend it, I have to plan all my birthday by myself!. But seriously if you could have a dream birthday setting and gifts etc what would it be? Nothing daft like Hawaii or something lol I’m on a budget of about 150-200 for everything

  1. I’m in the same situation. I ended up booking a weekend away that’s easy to get to but a place he’s wanted to go to for a while.

  2. >but he doesn’t know what he wants to do and won’t tell me anything he
    wants. He just says I have to plan it all but then anything I suggest he
    says no to

    Have you tried maybe not dating a 3-year-old?

    Next time you have an idea for a plan, don’t ask him, tell him it’s a surprise and just take him. Chances are once he’s up and doing it he’ll be a bit less pointlessly negative. How about a day trip to some sort of castle or war museum, a meal in a semi-decent burger restaurant or steakhouse, then a dumb action movie when you get home?

  3. Sounds like a bit of silly game he’s playing. You have to magically choose the one thing he wants to do, while he declares “no” to all your suggestions? He might as well have asked you to guess a number. He’s just enjoying saying ‘no.’

    And he doesn’t even plan your birthday either?

    Bleh. He’d be getting nowt from me and I’d be fucking off on holiday for my own.

  4. Hunting out some new street art, eating dum sum for lunch, cocktails at some sultry joint in the evening.

  5. Last year I stayed in a posh hotel with a ‘fine dining’ restaurant

    This year I’m going to the zoo

  6. In the past, I’ve organised days that remind them of being a kid: go karting, aquarium visits, bowling, arcades (London has a few bars with old school video games!), mini golf etc and it always goes down really well!

    A few years ago for secret santa I got one of my friends a red letter day to go in a monster truck and he absolutely loved that!

  7. 2 nights Glamping site with a private hot tub. Can be done for good prices depending on privacy levels and time of year.

  8. The day to myself with no interruptions from anyone else. Followed by dinner with my mum and sister, where they put some actual effort into getting a conversation going. I am still waiting on this.

  9. A day to myself with no fanfare at all. I don’t work on my birthday, I don’t really tell anyone when it is. I just have a day to myself to do whatever I want with.

  10. What about breakfast somewhere then a nice walk and a coffee / cake stop after? Then home, comfies on and watch a series he likes or a film. And a snack board for the evening (cheese, crackers, crisps etc)

    Edit: my ideal birthday would be a stay in a country hotel with a lovely meal and spa

  11. My ideal birthday is a lay in, long walk in the countryside and a kid free pub dinner.

    It’s pretty much what we’ve done for the last few years but that’s only because I’ve asked for it.

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