For the 3rd time I have had trouble hooking up with a girl when she has a needy dog. Everything is great, meet the dog and everything is cool, but then when a girl sleeps with her dog the dog gets confused, the first time I tried to be cool with the dog in the room, there was a lot of sniffing and the dog jumped on the bed, he later tried to lay on the end of the bed, then I realized dog hair was already in the bed- total boner killer and I had to leave, the next two times I asked for the dog not to be in the room and then the barking and whinning started, the little dog sounded like it was dying. Again killed the mood.
Anyone else? Any advice?
Or can I just say beautiful ladies please train and have boundaries and hygiene with your dog so we can enjoy taking things to the next level?

  1. I love my dog to death. But like hell I’m gonna have him jump on my bed during sexy time. He was whinny at the start when we left him in the dinner room, but got over it quick. Give the dog a chew treat, have an extra doggy bed outside the room, teaches them how to chill and it won’t take long. If she’s not receptive to that, it would be kind of weird but I guess she can do whatever she wants. Just no promises you’d stay and endure that mood killer.

  2. I love my dog too, but I ain’t about to have no cock blocking weenie dog!!! Her little self will end up in the crate on a Netflix and chill night!!!

  3. A lot of people got super attached to pets during lockdown and never set boundaries. Dogs are great, but also kind of the worst for this kind of thing. I’m assuming she can’t stay at your place because of the dog as well.

    There’s some good advice in this post, but ultimately it’s her problem to solve because it’s her pet.

  4. I agree with her and the dog on this one. I disagree with you telling “beautiful ladies to train… your dog.” Why should anyone do anything for you? I’ve been with women who had a cuddly dog who jumped on the bed during sex and I thought it was a riot. So I say, everyone, please make sure your dog has no boundaries so we can enjoy taking things to the next level!

    In this particular case a solution could be dog in the room, not on the bed (you can tell a dog to stay off the bed), new clean sheets on the bed, and you’re fine. If she doesn’t agree with these limits, you two are probably better off not seeing each other or having sex elsewhere. Why can’t you invite her to your place?

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