If you probably haven’t understood from the title, I’m a introvert with next to zero social skills and throughout my life up till a few months ago, I never had a ‘friend group’? I had one friend and then she had these friends and so we hung out with each other. There were never problems with pairings when assignments were given cause it was easy to he divided into groups of 2 or else 4 or the groups were created by an authority figure.

But now that I have friends, and I have a best friend in this group too but I’m also really good with other people. I think they are cool people and i look up to all of them a lot. It’s weird, I know that the actions that I take should be according to myself but I often find myself thinking that what would they say to whatever I’m doing and that’s really weird.

Anyways, so the thing is, I’m kinda perplexed on how these things work. Like I like all of them, some more than others, some I can talk really freely to, some I just hang out with because of my best friend. But recently due to an upcoming event it’s just really weird. Like we were supposed to do this project together but then suddenly we split into pairs of two. And there’s one friend left who’s in neither of the pairs… and idk how to work with that?

Recently I’ve also been gossiping a lot. In the past I used to be on the other side, like, I was the one left out and I was the one gossiped about or something, cause I was never the one leaving people out or gossiping about them so life socks really bad I need help.

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