You can choose any medical or scientific advancement to happen. What do you choose?

  1. Space exploration becomes reasonable.

    Easy cure for Cancer.

    Endless clean energy.

    Hard to pick between the three

  2. Cancer . Either a cure or a drug with less messed up side effects for it be discovered

    Meteor mining would be good too 🤔

  3. Sustainable fusion energy reactors. It would allow us to generate all the energy we need with very low emissions and no radioactive nuclear waste.

  4. Room temperature semiconductors.

    Second place, night vision without the need of a power source.

  5. a physics theory that accurately explains the 4 forces (essentially a theory of everything)


    quantum computers advancing enough to become household items

  6. Fixing back injuries already lol why haven’t we figured out 3D printed spines with fake discs yet. I get it, there are nerve roots going through the spine, but damn, the amount of people on this planet with back issues is astounding.

  7. I want to say the cure of RP because I have that disease, but honestly, the cure for cancer probably

  8. Either a cure for all cancers or a cure for diabetes I’m sick of taking this fucking insulin.

  9. Reliable male oral birth control.

    I just want to see where the chips fall where they may and watch the world burn lol.

  10. Well it would be a toss up between curing cancer on the medical side, or the invention of faster than light travel.

  11. Iron-mans arc reactor. A battery the size of a baseball that can power a tank for a year. Yeah that would change the world.

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