So I (24f) started dating a guy(25M) a few months back. He’s the best thing that has ever happened to me. He’s kind, loving and affectionate. He’s everything you could ask for
* but the thing is he’s tall, like really tall,6’3 to be precise where as I’m tiny. So alot of people mock us for our height difference. I literally feel like his kid when I’m with him. Even my mother makes fun of us. I dunno if just makes me feel sad and question if he’s ever gonna marry me because of this difference
* my entire life my mom and everyone has reminded me if how short i am and that I’d be lucky to get a guy. Even though i have a really pretty face i can bag a decent guy because im super short
* this insecurity has become a lasrt of me. No amtyer how confident i look on the outside, this feeling is always present despite all the therapy
* now i can’t help but feel that this mocking will eventually get to him and he’ll leave me. I can’t talk to him about this because this is my biggest insecurity and no one especially not him can know
* am i just overthinking?

Tdlr: height diff

  1. >I dunno if just makes me feel sad and question if he’s ever gonna marry me because of this difference

    You’re acting like his perception is potentially the problem, but it sounds like you’re the one obsessed with everyone else’s opinions.

  2. Have you ever seen pro basketball players with their wives? Don’t worry about the height difference. I’m 5’2″ and have dated multiple guys who were 6’5″ and height was never what brke us up.

    If people make fun, then they’re assholes and it says stuff about them not about you and your BF .

    Your mom is, in a word, horrible. Shame on her for making you feel bad about your height. Please don’t listen to her and know she’s just a petty, awful mom for saying that to you. You’re fine. Your BF clearly thinks you’re great. Your mom’s nastiness means nothing other than that she’s not a nice woman. Live your life and be happy.

  3. If he doesn’t care about it you don’t have to worry about what anyone else thinks about it.

    I have had y fair share of criticism. I am 5 1.

    Saying all this is easy. I am sure it’s not easy to ignore what others say about you. We just have to learn to ignore.

  4. My daughter’s last boyfriend was 6’9”. One day she stood on a stool that put her exactly at his height and asked him “is this what we all look like to you??” I got on the stool too and realized that all he sees is the tops of everyone’s heads (duh, but I’d never considered it before!).

    Reason I’m saying this is maybe a 4’9” tall head looks the same as a 5’8” head, or any head other than one close to his height. So while the difference might be huge to you, it might not be as significant to him.

  5. Fuck everyone’s opinions and worry about your opinion, that’s the only one that matters.

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