It felt amazing, she is so hot and pretty.

The problem is that she wants it again but no condom this time. I mean I really want to do it and I would definitely have an affair with her in my current situation, but knowing that it’s so fucked up, I don’t really know what to tell her.

(She had a ring when we did it for the first time, but I didn’t noticed which finger or wtv, I just figured it out later – and I actually know – not a friend, but we work in the same business – her guy)

Fuck, what should I do? 😕

  1. I would steer clear of anything like this due too much potential drama, even if you ignore the fact you’re helping her cheat. Her husband working at the same place is another huge issue. It he learns she’s cheating, you’ll have person at work who has a grudge on you.

    Oh and if she gets pregnant, what’s she gonna tell him? Pass it as his own? If she tells him about pregnancy, she can’t just have an abortion without discussing it with her husband (she can but it will wreck the relationship). So either she aborts in secret or tells him your child is actually his, a super messed up thing and will cause an insane mess if it ever gets discovered. And it could potentially be found out very easily, certain blood type combinations are simply not possible.

    Not using condoms or any kind of birth control drastically increases your chance of being found out and possible drama.

  2. If your single your not really in the wrong here…..she may be but that’s her decision to make 🔥

  3. What should you do? You should find someone who is legitimately single and leave her trifling, messy *SS alone. I honestly will never understand people that play participant in screwing up someone’s marriage. And she wants you to not use protection? Lol. So you know for fact that you are at least one guy she’s screwing,
    how many others do you think she’s also doing?

    Aside from the physical ramifications you are destined to run in to, are you seriously trying to drag some poor kid into a situation where ypu know the Mother’s morals and values are pure trash? Are you cool with whatever std/sti she puts on you? Will you still be thinking shes just as hella pretty/hot when paying that monthly child support or having some incurable disease?

  4. Dude you hooking up with the first time is understandable because you didn’t know now if you keep hooking up with you are literally gonna be part of the reason you breaking up a marriage and a family I don’t think you want that on your conscience not to mention if the husband finds out he could report both of y’all to HR and get you guys fired

  5. Mmm don’t do it.

    She is married and you’re wrong for sleeping with her. I bet if that happened to you wouldn’t be happy.
    Also, you can get some STDs or stuff her husband might have.

    Without condom? Seriously? What if she gets pregnant? Are you going to take care of that child?

    Stop, if you wanna fuck go with someone else.

  6. There are wife sharing dynamics (Stag and Vixen, Hotwife) and open marriages that could allow her to play without it being a problem.

    Since you’re basically doing everything possible to tiptoe around backing out, it’s obvious that you want to go through with this. Ask her for a recent STD/STI screening and then go for it.

    Just be ready for the repercussions.

  7. As someone who has hooked up with a married woman, I can tell you 10/10 would never ever do it again. It fucked up my life and hers. Her husband found out and they ended up with a nasty divorce. And they had 2 kids too…

    OP, don’t do it again. Stay clear away!

  8. Let’s look at the basic facts here:

    This is a person who doesn’t have great respect for boundaries (like, you know, her commitment to her relationship) *and* she’s asking you to engage in a risky form of sex.

    Put your horiness aside: do you want to have risky sex with someone who doesn’t respect boundaries?

    Or let’s be blunt too: you ready to be a dad?

  9. I understand you are being selfish, but at least be wise for your own well-being and break it off. If you don’t, here are some possible scenarios for you:

    1. STDs (if she is fucking you, you are most likely not the only one)
    2. Child support
    3. A husband that can go after you
    4. You catch feelings for someone you don’t trust
    5. None of the above, but you will know yourself as a lesser human being

    Ask yourself if it is worth it; if you still find it a logical move, I don’t think any of the comments will help here.

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