I don’t have a problem talking to girls or getting with them really. My problem is I’m just too critical and I’m always turning down girls I’m not attracted to which is most girls. So basically I want to be attracted to as many girls as possible and stop being such a critic. How?

  1. All people have some sex appeal. Try and see people for the good in them. Look and think of the sexiness in the person you’re engaging with. It’s not about lowering your standards it’s more about making a deliberate effort to find the good in people.

  2. Usually guys like you use women as a proxy for their own self worth. They don’t really like the women, they like the reassurance they feel when hot ones want to sleep with them because it must mean that they’re attractive. Likewise, when attractive womens’ attention is not forthcoming, they like themselves less.

    So it may be that if you work on reasons to like yourself outside of sexual conquest, then your sexual relationships can start to become more about genuine connection, passion, pleasure and intimacy rather than ego supply. You’ll just find things that are sexy in women you actually like as people.

    But that’s just a total guess, hopefully you’ll see some familiar patterns in it.

  3. Would help if we knew what your standards are? I mean, it’s none of our business but something like “must be blonde and blue eyes” or “preferably Asian” isn’t as huge compared to like “must be in the top 0.1% IQ and be able to bench 200lbs and run a marathon then cook a 5 course meal”… Basically are they sensible or not?

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