Or getting too old to do certain things? Maybe also married and feeling like you miss the single life but you know you love your spouse more than anything, just miss the “freedom” at times? I feel like my husband gets in these funks sometimes. I am wondering from a males perspective, what can I do to help him? He would never stray and we have a great marriage but he has always had an issue with aging and we are only in our mid 30s. He enjoys the night life, as do I, but it makes him sad feeling like his nightlife is being cut short. It’s really a mix of things but ultimately I feel like he is depressed life is going by too fast for him.

  1. Only when I get stuck in the day to day to day to day routine with nothing to look forward to, do I focus on those things.

    My advice? Plan a trip, even a weekend one, away to do something fun. Get a bigger trip on your calendar, something to look forward to.

    I was in a long term relationship for 5 years and then was single for a year and then met my wife. And I’ll tell you, single life is lonely. The grass is always greener but it’s tiresome and lonely. Late nights, meaningless couplings, etc I don’t miss any of that.

    It’s sounds like you’re worried when he gets in a rut, if your to blame in some way, don’t think that way.

    The way out of a rut is to break routine.

  2. Quite often though at least in the past few years it doesn’t overwhelm me. I’ve had a number of amazing experiences and occasionally my mind will wander towards several particularly fun filled nostalgic times in my past. I love life but miss the naked wonder and excitement I’d feel in my late teens to upper 20s. After a pretty depressing (literally) 2020-early 2022 even though I’m successfully getting back into the swing of things those things just don’t feel the same.

    As for your husband what is it that makes him feel like his nightlife is getting cut short? Are you all still going out and doing the things you enjoy? How has he felt like he’s aging? I’m just a few years younger than you two so I’m curious. I’ve started to have my own existential thoughts at 30 so I’d love to know how things stand for you two in your mid 30s.

  3. Jesus, you guys are in your mid 30s! You are not old. LOL
    Maybe try going to clubs with people more in your age bracket? I HATE going to clubs with young people, I don’t like the people I don’t like the music. 😉 But I like going to 80’s or 90’s parties with people in my age. That way I don’t feel THAT old or like a creep.

    In the end you can’t slow down life. Years feel way shorter the older you get, that’s a fact you have to accept. Fill your life with good memories, do new things, try new hobbies, build things that last. These are the things that make me feel young or timeless.

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