Whats the longest youve water fasted for?

  1. Why would you water fast? Did you not read the instructions?

    Only reason i can think is surgery or something medical related.

  2. Probably like 14 hours, woke up late for work and was stuck hours in LA traffic cause of an accident.

  3. Few hours maybe? But that feeling when you finally get water into your dry throat and it goes through your body is so awful I still remember it after years. I always try to hydrate as much as I can.

  4. 3 days liquid only before a colonoscopy. Last 24 was water only. Before that, non lumpy soup and laxatives.

    Was a challenge but not terrible.

  5. I just do from when I wake up to dinner time on sunday, like 8ish hours.

    I throw a bit of cardio in at the end to get a bit of a pop too, its a great way to reset for the next weeks training and diet. 8-12 hours max ive found works fine you dont even get lightheaded tbh.

    Ive been doing this for 5 years every Sunday, its totally fine.

    edit: just realised you were taking about water only, not food, in that case 48-72 hours is fine.

  6. 1 week for medical reasons. It fucking sucked since i was new to fasting. Its easier to fast now that my body is adapted to switching between ketones and glucose, and now know how our bodies hunger hormones work. I would only recommend doing long fasts after being used to short intermittent fasts. That way your mitochondria has built up the ability to quickly switch back and forth between energy sources so youre not starving (energy deprived). Take about 3 weeks to a month of intermittent fasting for your mitochondria to get used to being “dual fueled”. Running/cardio helps too since it helps create up to 40% more mitochondria (aka 40% more energy production). Just be smart about it.

  7. Probably like 3 hours. I was arrested once and kept for the whole 24 hours and I refused to eat so I guess that counts.

  8. About 2.5 days. Was training in the military and while we were in the field a few of the guys lost their food (I think this was part of the training and someone intentionally took the food) and I ended up being one of three who still had MREs. I’ve got pretty stable blood sugar so I just didn’t eat for a couple of days.

  9. Week.

    I was desperate to lose weight. But, I realised that im dumb when common sense entered the chat.

  10. 124 hours.

    I had my final engineering exams in college and I wanted the increased mental focus.

    Passed top of my class with one of the highest marks my tutors ever got. Think they said it’s only ever 2-3 years someone gets that kind of mark or higher

  11. 2 weeks on water fast – fuckin brutal. Then another week with sugar drinks then back on solids after tonsils n sinus.

    But I liquid fasted for 3 months in 2019. Technically it’s not ‘water fasting’, but yeah had 2 bowel surgeries so couldn’t eat. I had these little substitute drinks which were awesome. Wish I could still get them but they were a weird prescription drink.

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