Another year older and I realized that I have a relationship that doesnt value me at all.

My SO and i have been together almost 12 years. Not engaged or married. We have no kids together. I have one from a previous relationship who is now in college. I wanted more but also didnt want to carry the financial burden myself again. My SO doesnt even help pay for the dogs expensive up keep. I also pay for storage and extras. And I pay for the truck and rv as well as the rv storage and maintenance. My SO splits the rent and utilities. We share no accounts etc. I am also the one who makes sure everything is paid on time. He still owes me Jan and Feb rent/bill’s and now March is due. But will buy coffee everyday. I am also basically the maid. I realized we have lived in our current place over three years and not once has he cleaned the bathroom. Our sex life is almost non existent anymore. I dont see the point. I get nothing out of it and can be using the time for other things. It be wrong to finally ask what he feels be brings to the table(relationship) because I dont know what he brings that I dont already provide myself.

  1. Sounds like you guys have moved into the roommate zone. I’d try and talk to him about it and let him know how he could make you feel appreciated and desired. If he doesn’t want to put the work in and you don’t then time to move on. Life is too short to watch it pass by a monotonous routine. I’m turning 40 in 4 months and I’m feeling like I need a change myself. Hopefully you get what you deserve. What ever that looks like for you.

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