What is the most awkward moment of your with your partner ?

  1. Our cat managed to get out of the house and we went looking for him around the block. My boyfriend thought he saw our cat in the distance and started to take off running. For context, my bf is 6’2 and I’m 5’3. You know how people bend and swing their arms while running? Well, because of the heigh difference, I was the perfect height to take his elbow to my face when he took off running.

    We joke about it now but it hurt quite a bit at the time. It was an accident, but my upper lip was swollen for a week.

  2. my boyfriend fell out of bed and onto his computer while we were having drunk sex. he walked around with a right angle bruise on his neck for a while. trying to explain that was… certainly something.

  3. We ended up on a 3 hour flight seated right next to his ex-girlfriend. That was the definition of prolonged awkwardness.

  4. We are a long distance couple who met online. Our first time meeting each other went perfectly, unless you count me accidentally walking in on him while he was taking a shit. In my defense, he didn’t even lock the door. I guess it was nice to have broken the ice so early on in our relationship.

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