Be it in relationships, jobs, etc. Like, do you feel pretty confident/wise in your life decisions, or do you still not consider yourself an adult at that age?

  1. I’m 46 now, and was completely self sufficient and making good life decisions at 25. If you don’t consider yourself an adult at 25, you have either been incredibly sheltered or you have some sort of problem, whether it’s an actual medical issue or just being exceptionally immature.

  2. 25 year olds don’t really seem like adults to me. Even 30 year olds don’t. Maybe no one is. If you’re confident in your choices and have an idea of the risks and benefits, you’re fine

  3. People make mistakes at any age. Hopefully fewer at 25 than at 15, hopefully fewer at 35 than at 25.

  4. By 25, I had graduated from college and law school and passed the bar exam, with a job for a BigLaw firm in hand. I certainly made a lot of poor decisions at that age, but I actually think I’ve made much worse ones in the years since. 25 was roughly my prime.

  5. Yeah, I was set up with a business, had a LTR, made mostly decent decisions based on the knowledge I had at the time. I think there is some science behind 25 being the age where most mental maturing has happened.

    I think society has advanced to the point where people don’t need to grow up any faster than they used to. 100 years ago you had a couple of kids and a career at 25, partially as a matter of necessity/survival, and partially due to different societal norms of the time.

    So I think most people are more than capable of being fully adult at that age. I also think most people don’t lead the lives which allows that to happen.

  6. Yeah at that age I made pretty good choices for the important stuff.

    At 25 I had been an adult for years. Anyone thinking they aren’t one is fooling themselves.

  7. You’ll never be smarter than you are right now (in the objective sense of now, not linear time).

    We can’t keep pushing the definition of adult deeper and deeper into the 20’s.

  8. I made one poor decision long before I was 25 and that affected me for the next 9 years of my life.

    That was going to college before I fully understood what I wanted and how the world worked. By the time I turned 25 I knew what I wanted but I was stuck, working at a non skill related jobs, staying with my parents who charge me a decent chunk of rent, going from job to job, contract from contract work. It wasn’t until I was 26 that I moved out to live with my cousins, but long story short it was short-lived and I had to stay with my Grandmother for an additional 2 years until I snagged a decent paying job the next town over.

    Fast forward to today and I have a decent paying job, an affordable apartment and two of the most cuddliest cats I’ve ever owned. There were times when things got tough but overall I count myself a fortunate man and that I am finally making decisions that benefit me in the long run. I now know what I want next and will strive towards it, even if it takes me another decade to get it.

  9. I made some pretty great decisions at 25, and some not so great decisions. Do I know more now at 50 that I did when I was 25? I’m double the age with 10x more life experience.

  10. I think 24 is when things started to sort of just fall in to place and everything truly felt more “adult”. And by 25 you should definitely be feeling like an adult and doing “adult things”.

  11. When I think back to my twenties I made so many poor decisions in work, money wise and relationships.

  12. I wish I stuck to dating girls in 21-25 range then instead of dating girls my age. No regrets otherwise

  13. Definitely. I was halfway through medical school at the time. I’m 31 now, finished with residency, and having the time of my life.

    Then again, I considered myself an adult at 18

  14. I was still pretty immature at 25. Im sure some 25 year olds are far more responsible than I was. I didnt start pulling my head out of my ass until my late 20s. Better late than never.

  15. It depends. I knew 25 year olds that had their shit together and were responsible adults, and then there was me and everyone else either taking steps towards that after screwing around in our early 20s or doubling down on their bullshit.

  16. I think I did. I started to really plan for a future. Paid off debt, had a good job. Was able to buy a house the next year during the 2009 recession where they literally were giving out money when you purchased.

    I always think back and give myself a little pat on the back for making a great decision at a young age.

  17. When I was 25, sure I thought I was making good decisions. Looking back at that age, Not in the least bit.

  18. Well I got engaged at 25,married at 26, and turned 27 three days ago, and I am super happy with my relationship. I think I made a great decision

  19. I think a 25 year old makes decisions based on the information and experience he has at the time. Good or bad.

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