During a little after work tonight, a collegue (who is really nice to hang out with) told me I was “cringe” about something I said.
She was talking about something positive, and I replie with something sad, casually. I don’t think this was really cringe imo but I understood that I made her uncomfortable by being too negative. This is not the first time that happens, I tend to always talk about depressing stuff or make self-depreciating jokes etc. For me it’s casual but I realize it’s not the case for everyone. I feel like I’m not able to talk about happy casual stuff all the time. It makes me angry about myself, and I feel like I will never be able to be a happy positive person. I overthought for hours after this.
Do you have any advice ? (I already am in therapy so… More advice ?)

1 comment
  1. I would Deff take what they say into consideration. Not many people want to be around miserable people who self depreciate 24/7. it’s easy to fall into that hole and pick up other peoples habits you know? I know ur in therapy but talk to your therapist about that specifically. I’ve been on both sides and it is defff kinda cringe 🤣❤️ maybe think more before you speak so harshly about your self & your negativity towards life? It’s a joke your used to but can be very triggering for others I think, especially if they’re trying the change themself.

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