How much should a college student spend on a engagement ring?!
I understand that love is the most important thing, and that if she loves me she should be happy with anything, but I am looking for a real price range. Thank you!

  1. Well, 19 years ago I spent $1,400. Not sure what that is adjusted for inflation.

  2. How much can you afford to spend on an engagement ring? There are affordable and beautiful options out there, but it all depends on how much you’re able to spend without breaking the bank. Try looking at Walmart’s fine jewelry section, Kohl’s, Etsy (I recommend Zhedora). It also depends on if you’re going for a diamond, birthstone, moissanite, etc.

  3. I spent $26 at Sears for an “ask” ring, then we went shopping together and found a proper engagement ring at a “used gold” place for $500. Once we had it resized and customized the setting and stones at a jewelers, we were at $800.

    We’ve been married 14 years, and the cost of the ring has literally never been an issue.

    Don’t fall for marketing. Young couples have so many more important investments to make than a piece of jewelry.

  4. In 1991 we ordered plain gold bands for each of us out of a wholesale jewelry catalog for about $30 each. She was in college and I was working full time earning about $4.50/$5.00 an hour.

  5. Since you are in college it is difficult shelling out money you don’t have to buy an engagement ring. I can tell you this. I had no money at engagement ring time (1973) so I sold my motorcycle ($800) and bought her the ring. Nothing in our 49 years of marriage sold her on me quicker than her knowing that I gave up my pride and joy ride for her. She never has forgotten that.

  6. We did this. Broke college student proposing. Ring was $1500. It seemed like a ton to me at the time.

    She still wears the ring and has no interest in an upgrade.

  7. $100. Simple gold band with a single gem be whatever it is you want.

    Engagement rings don’t matter, its the story behind it. The wedding ring seals the deal.

    Plus if she is like most mom’s or working with hands women she will get silicone rings later on.

  8. Omg its just a ring 😂😂 there’s no specific / correct amount. What matters is the relationships.. Look at J.lo – she got millions and millions of dollars from engagement ring yet they all didnt work out.

    I also personally know someone who has a pretty expensive engagement ring but we all that their relationship is a big eeeekkk.. goodluck to them 🫢

    Just spend what you can dude 😉❤️ goodluck.

  9. Pay what you can afford. The material aspect is secondary to its sentiment. I love my wife and always have. When we got engaged we were both skint, me probably a bit more. I bought a vintage (2nd hand) three diamond stone white gold ring. Very affordable. Even after all these years of marriage, she wears it everyday with pride. So don’t worry

  10. Engaged at 21, we were both in college, I think my ring was $200. I think it’s more important to 1) know that she’s going to say yes before you ask (don’t do it as a test, do it because you’ve talked about life and want to spend it together), 2) buy something that will last–not necessarily a diamond but a hard stone if you’re doing a stone. CZs are famous for getting cloudy and plastic-looking over time, pearls are too soft for daily wear. 3) make sure it’s something she likes the look of and will enjoy wearing. If you’re not sure, maybe ask first and then pick it out together.

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