I saw on the feed for my mom’s hometown that some areas there are being told to boil their water for the time being. https://nixle.us/EA283?fbclid=IwAR07wTGlzaOvmWxaCf3n8dUNDQBST4CvPxMdu3lkVn4TQdaVJeIdntEDPCI

Has this ever happened to you?

  1. We live in the country so, absolutely! It’s nothing to worry about until it is. It happens and it’s usually nothing.

  2. Yes, but only for 1 day after the water was shut off for half a day while there was major work done to the water main.

  3. It happens occasionally anywhere there are water mains. Whenever the system is depressurized it is assumed that water leaks into the pipe from the ground and hence the boil water advisory.

  4. Yes, after some severe flooding.

    It can happen any time there’s any major breakdown in a city’s water system where contaminants could be introduced.

  5. I’ve gotten them a few times after hurricanes. Probably a combination of flooding and trees going over and ripping up pipes I’d imagine.

  6. I’ve gottten a boil alert once or twice in the 15 years I’ve lived in my house.

    There are some neighborhoods here with older infrastructure that seem to get them every year when something breaks.

  7. I stopped at a random Indiana gas station once to get coffee only to find there was no coffee because they had no safe water to make it with due to a boil notice.

    “Happens all the time,” the clerk said. I bought a can of Monster and left.

    That was my only experience with a boil notice; I’ve never even heard of them happening anywhere in California and I’d be shocked if we had one here in Boston.

  8. Yes, numerous times. I live in Texas after all and it’s fairly common to have problems that require that here, whether it’s due to a hurricane or some industrial cock up.

  9. yeah… they also said that people who are immunocompromised to drink bottled water once. It was when they were working on the water mains.

  10. I have, yes. Usually when there’s a water main break. Doesn’t happen often and is more of an inconvenience than anything worrisome. Though one year it went on for almost a week and that was a bit irritating

  11. Yes, my city was under a boil water notice just last week. It lasted 4 days. One of the water pumps broke down and lowered water pressure across the city. I usually keep several cases of bottled water on hand for winter storms and hurricane season. We mainly boiled water for taking baths and washing dishes.

  12. I used to live in Detroit and we’d get them, it seemed like, a couple times a year. Wife and I decided to invest in a water cooler and we haven’t looked back since.

    You can get the 5-gal refill jugs from big box stores. I get it delivered where I live now but it still works out to less than $8 per jug as long as you’re swapping out the old empty jugs with new ones. The empty ones carry about a $7 deposit on them.

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