
I haven’t heard from my good friend for nearly 2 months after she initiated for us to have some space. She said specifically that she would reach out by the end of January but I haven’t heard from her at all.

We’ve been friends for a long time and she recently aired some grievances she had about our friendship. She felt that it was unbalanced in terms of the support we provided each other (i.e. she felt she was always providing support for me, but I didn’t to her). She did acknowledge that she has had trouble expressing her needs and boundaries and should’ve done so earlier.

I was quite upset as the conversation was sprung up after a catch up with no context and as we were heading home. It was only after i reached out to properly chat that she shared all of this. I acknowedged her feelings and in turn shared that I felt she had closed herself off to me and that it’s hard to get anything out of her.

She said I was important in her life but requested that we have time apart (we don’t see each other often so I didn’t see the point) which I respectfully agreed too. She told me she would reach out at the end of January.

Since then I haven’t heard from her and I’m wondering if I haven’t seen the writing on the wall and should just move on?

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