
So I am having a conversation with a person about a topic; they say something and I say something, and in the middle of when I am speaking they start pointing at something on the road, and it’s not something even worth looking at, just a distraction. Immediately after that, they change topics to something else.

One more scenario is when I’m talking about something for one or two minutes and they start talking about something entirely different.

Another scenario is where I try to bring up a topic and get completely ignored. not even acknowledged, just outright ignored.

This happens to me quite a lot with multiple people, which makes me very sad and question whether I am worthy of anyone’s time. Because of these experiences, I am talking way less. My confidence in speaking about anything that I find interesting is completely shattered right now. I just listen and don’t talk anymore. This again makes people think I am boring.

Is this normal and am I being oversensitive? If not how do I deal with these scenarios?

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