What type of decision are you not comfortable making and would rather relegate to someone else?

  1. What’s your favourite film?

    I have no idea. I literally need to consult my Netflix watch history, or my IMDb watchlist and browse through until I find one that I enjoyed watching.

  2. What to have for dinner, what movie to see, sometimes even what I should wear to an event…

    I’m not good at decisions.

  3. I had a hard time managing because even if I strongly disliked someone, I didn’t want to fuck with their livelyhood. It’s Karma stuff for me. I’ve been in the opposite position just simply because someone didn’t like me.

  4. I am not comfortable making any decisions that involve a large amount of risk or require a lot of experience and knowledge that I do not possess. I would rather have someone more qualified and experienced make those decisions.

  5. Anything to do with someone’s body, medical care, or abortion. That should be between them and their Doctor. I don’t want to be part of those decisions, even in a roundabout ‘let’s make some laws because ‘PuBlIc InTrEsT’ way.

  6. I know this is stupid but i am overwhelmed by choices like whether to marry, whether to have children or not, where to move, where to travel, what to eat, what to do on the weekend. I dont know, maybe this is part of a mental health issued or so.

  7. I love deciding stuff and getting things my way, and will also happily make decisions for others if they ask, with one exception: Their appearance. I HATE when someone asks me if they should pick dress 1 or 2, or whether they should shave their beard and not. I usually have a very clear opinion, but I’m not gonna share it because I don’t want to be responsible for fucking someone over or saying something that’ll stick with them years. Nope. Not going there. You decide about your appearance and I’ll compliment you either way.

  8. Life! That is the decision I never want to make, but Im forced to as an adult and its not fair LMAO. Dealing with my adult children’s care lol, I want someone else to do it lol. They are 21 and 22. They are just learning what being an adult is and its like they are so helpless and clueless lol. Im like, are you kidding me?! I knew how to do basically everything on my own at their age. But its funny, I had my son at 20 and I look at these 2 and think, fuck, they are only kids, how did I not die from all the shit I used to do?LOLOL Not drugs or anything, but I did alot of questionable stuff that should have been dangerous lol

  9. What restaurant/bar/сlub to go to.

    In a date context I even feel like sth is very wrong if a guy asks me to choose a place

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