I (18) told my boyfriend (19) that i miss him.

we’ve been together for two months now and yesterday i was jokingly copying a phrase he would always tell me whenever i’d say something then he said i’m bad at copying him and i’m assuming he got upset. i then told him i miss you and he just thumbs upped my message and left me on seen. it hurts so much and it’s been 13 hours since he’s last replied to me after my message. did i do something wrong? i didn’t think much of it because he always does it and i do it from time to time and i never get this reaction from him. also i sent him a cute reel and he just left me on seen. it’s been an hour. i feel really hurt and i don’t know what to do nor do i want to text him first because i always end up doing it but i feel like shit not being shared the same feelings i am feeling 😕 don’t think i’d wanna break up with him over something this small obviously but since he’s not texting i feel like he wants to end it? or is it me overthinking?
TLDR – i’ve been upset for a day now and i just can’t forget it for some reason. i feel like shit and he’s not helping.

edit: i’m really not good with this relationship stuff because he’s my first boyfriend. it’s probably why i’m overreacting tbh

  1. He probably is busy or just wants some space. Give him a day or two. If he’s upset or some joke then obviously he has some issues.

  2. It’s only been one hour.

    He’s probably just busy.

    You are overreacting and overthinking.

    If he still has not replied after 24 hours, *then* you can start worrying.

  3. Break up with him. Guys like that are a waste of time. The sooner you learn not to accept this kind of behavior the better off you will be. I have had my fair share of experiences with men that don’t know how to be in a relationship, and I’ve definitely stuck around too long in the hope that they’d change. They don’t. If they’re capable of change, you’ll be able to tell fairly quickly.

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