When we started dating I knew this women has been with her fair share of men but talked to me as if I was different and she’s never had a good man and has talked about spending the rest of her life with me.

The other night at the bar her sister was invited by my girlfriend, her sister brought along a friend that my girlfriend had quite a history with in the past (about 2 years ago) I was talking to her sister when in the corner of my eye I see her go to leave to smoke with this guy. A SIGNIFICANT amount of time passes before seeing her again sitting next to the same guy in the bar laughing and being flirtatious in my opinion. Later that night I calmly and openly expressed my concern about her talking to men from her past (this is not the first time we have had this same conversation from the same situation happening) she immediately told me to stop being insecure and I need to get over it or break up with her because she won’t change over my insecurities because she is a social person.

Am I just being insecure or do I have reason to be concerned. Would y’all men out there feel comfortable with your girlfriend spending so much time talking to ex lovers when you’re sitting there alone?

  1. If someone cares for you they will take effort to allay concerns. Talking as a group at a bar is one thing, going off in private to get an attention and flirtation fix is another.

    The fact its an immediate attack rather than show empathy to the awkwardness of the situation tells you what you need to know.

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