When did you last shed tears and why?

  1. Last night I was walking, and the cold air kinda got to me, and a single tear dropped from each eye.

  2. This last Tuesday at around 9:30 when I played the season finale mission of Destiny 2. Rasputin, you were a real one. 🥺

  3. It was at a Pink Floyd tribute concert last weekend. They played “Wish You Were Here” and I thought of my dad who’d passed away exactly a year before. Fuck cancer.

  4. Last weekend my daughter performed in her HS musical. She was great. I was waiting afterwards to give her some flowers and when I saw her, how happy she was, I just got all misty. She saw and gave me a big comforting hug and I told her they were tears of joy. Being proud of someone you love is the best feeling there is.

  5. Yesterday because it feels like basically everything in my life is currently either falling apart or on the verge of falling apart for one reason or another and I have a lot of difficult decisions to make but can’t bring myself to make them.

  6. Tuesday before Thanksgiving last year. My cat died. I had her since I was 5. I was 18 when she died

  7. This past Tuesday I believe it was, on my way home from working 3rd shift. Thought of my close friend 2 month old and how much of an effect she had. Pondering in the idea of what kind of future she’ll have and such. Possibly the affect of fatigue and lack of sleep had a toll on the matter as well

  8. Recently. When I found out the person I respected and held in high esteem since I was 14 is going Ñ‚Ñ€ have a baby. It just made me happy.

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