I went to high school with her, we’ve known each other for years and tho we never got close we were always happy to see each other.

After high school I moved to another city pretty far away for university. I’ve always kinda been into her, and had thoughts she actually was into me too.

Last christmas as I’m coming back home for the holidays a mutual friend of ours tells me she really likes me. I am really excited, I tell mutual friend that I like her back, and mutual friend advises me to ask her out that same day. So I do, we see each other the next day, both aware of what’s going on, but nothing really happens. We had fun, tho it wasn’t any different from all the other times we hanged out by ourselves. I was nervous and we didn’t talk about it.

We were supposed to see each other again a couple of days later for her birthday with friends, but that didn’t happen because of COVID.

Wasn’t able to see her again for two weeks ’cause she “had to stay with her family”. Was able to see her again to give her her birthday present, the same day I had to leave and return to my new city. More information on what I got her can be shared if needed.


Since that day she barely responded to any text I sent her, asking how she was, trying to initiate conversation. She just seemed really busy and off. I asked her if everything was okay, and everything was according to her.

Two weeks ago I came back home again for Easter, texted her about it asking when she was free, and she turned me down saying she was really busy with her lessons and uni but that she would let me know. She didn’t let me know, and I’m leaving again in a couple of days. I hanged out with her friends a couple of times, she was also invited but she always told her friends she couldn’t make it.

She also stopped watching my instagram stories. She’s not the person to always watch everybody’s stories, but not even one in four months that’s no coincidence.

Now what the heck. Don’t wanna seem like I feel entitled to hang out with her or to be in her life “just cause”, but this gives me reason to worry. If she changed her mind I can understand, but we’ve known each other for years, it’s not like it’s just this girl I met that I went on a couple of dates with that randomly ghosted me. You really must have not cared about our friendship for years to do something like this now.

EDIT: As I’m re-reading this, it doesn’t sound as bad, and it seems like I may just be overthinking. Pheraps, but all my other friends also agree it’s pretty strange.

1 comment
  1. It seems like you’re holding on to something that isn’t there. She’s giving nothing but signs that’s she’s not really interested. I mean you had one single “date” and it didn’t seem like it was anything special in the first place, and then you just talk about how she’s not texting and not wanting to meet? Again, just sounds like she doesn’t have any interest in continuing things with you. Also let’s be clear on her “ghosting” you. She is not doing that. She at most is fading you. You say she doesn’t owe you anything, but it’s pretty obvious you think she does … and I don’t mean that harshly.

    My advice? Let it go. She’s made zero effort to continue things with you and has made it very clear, in my opinion at least, that she has no interest. Save your love for someone who wants to receive it. Stay strong bro you’ll find someone better!

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