What’s something you judge people for?

  1. Bullying and harassment, of any kind.

    Don’t care what they’ve done, bullying someone isn’t ok.

  2. * drug use that impacts others negatively
    * thoughtless promiscuity (cheating, fucking without STI testing, using people just for sex instead of treating them like people)
    * violent crime
    * incompetence/indifference in whatever profession they practice
    * lack of desire for personal improvement
    * lack of responsibility for personal decisions and then the nerve to complain about the obvious consequences of those personal decisions
    * berating low-income workers for things outside of their control
    * bringing human life into the world irresponsibly and then not caring for it
    * using earned wealth for dumb shit instead of improving the world in measurable ways
    * willful ignorance
    * doubling down on racism, sexism, homophobia, etc.
    * using people as objects that can benefit you
    * being cliquish/ bullying
    * constantly complaining about problems without attempting to find solutions for said problems

    I think I need to stop. It’s a long list. I “judge” in the sense that I don’t respect folks who do the above, but I’m not going to crucify them for doing any of it either.

  3. Being a reddit mod. Motherfucker banned me for a joke. They have to be pretty miserable bunch or at least most of them

  4. Parents who let their kids cry at the top of their lungs in indoor public places like restaurants and coffee shops etc.

  5. Talking to me when I have my headphones on. Are they fucking stupid? I can’t hear a thing they’re saying.

    A few years ago, while I was waiting for my ride at a bus stop and enjoying my favorite band, a girl approached me. The first thing she did when she saw me was gesturing with her hands that she wanted to talk. She just wanted to know if her bus had aleady left. But it was such a turn on that I still regret I didn’t ask for her number.

  6. If they look down upon the people working their asses off in the hospitality or service sector.

  7. people who laugh at autistic people or judge people for things like birthmarks (my parents used to say that of my cousin who has a huge birthmark that’s red on his cheek – they told him when he was a kid you are a bad person so God slapped u)

  8. For me is …. Littering, driving like u are the only one on the road, parking like u own parking lot (or park where u cannot park), being rude/agressive to other people for no reason and not picking yours pet shit.

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