Tl;dr : For the second time ever, I just had an orgasm “go fully psychedelic” and want to reach out and see WTF IS GOING ON?? What??

I was on top of my husband, on my back on his chest, I had just finishing orgasming (which felt really stellar!!) and thought I was done, moving onto enjoying helping him get off at that point.

Suddenly, I felt like I was beginning to faint, but felt really good at the same time…like falling asleep in a warm bed. I literally **watched myself in third person** become a blanket of golden glittering velvet over him (I know right??) and I just felt like a melted velvety puddle of warm light. Like if the word “sensual” was a tangible thing. I seriously lost all concept of my body. I just laid there, almost motionless, a complete melted, breathy puddle of person on top of him. Absolutely bonkers.

I’d had this experience, although much shorter, once before almost two months ago. We chased it together for the few weeks following, looking to see if we could replicate the feeling, but chalked it up to a one time thing. But boy howdy.

So yeah. That’s where I’m at. I feel like I’m going crazy. I had no idea orgasms could literally feel like taking mushrooms. Has anyone else experienced this? Is there a more specific name for it?

Thanks for reading! ✨

  1. Don’t want to scare you, and it’s probably nothing, but if this isn’t the normal for you, I’d say it’s worth a neurologist visit to make sure it’s nothing to worry about.

    If it is, it’s better to know early so it can be managed.

  2. This is definitely a thing, but is typically achieved through breathwork, tantric sex practices, etc. Sounds like you had one of these experiences spontaneously though, which is also possible, so congrats!

  3. I haven’t experienced anything psychedelic but I’ve had the sensation and visuals of leaving my body briefly from orgasming. I could literally see my husband and me as though I was an onlooker. It would last a few seconds then I’d be back in my body again, blissing out. It’s happened about 4 or 5 times and it’s amazing!

  4. During peak prostate orgasmic experiences I have pretty crazy visuals sometimes, and I’m not the only one to report such things. I have had out of body experiences as well alone with toys and slow orgasmic meditation-y techniques.

  5. I used to frequently experience something like this years ago. I felt like clouds of glittery stars were falling all over my body as I was melting into a puddle on the bed. I haven’t had one of those in a very, very long time.

  6. If you’ve done psychedelics in the past, maybe you’re having a flashback? I used to have flashbacks sometimes when I was doing a lot of acid, not like this specifically but I could imagine this happening.

  7. My gf used to have such orgasms, but it faded away over the years. Just recently she had one again though and it was a very emotional event for her.

  8. My wife has something similar happen every once in awhile. She describes it as “seeing the face of god” or like *being* the universe.

    It’s pretty cool, I gotta say.

  9. I can’t trigger it, but I once had a salvia kind of repetitive closed eye visual distortion

  10. Sometimes, after I orgasm with my loving partner, I experience a serenity so pure that it feels chemically induced. As I lay there I imagine that this must be what newborns feel – total wonderment, complete safety and nothing but awe and joy.

    If that feeling were amped up a bit more, I could imagine it feeling like and out of body experience.

    Of note, it never feels this good after masturbation. Not sure but I think it must be varying levels of dopamine which is what a lot of drugs mimic in the brain.

  11. I’ve had out of body experiences a few times while having intense, passionate, connected sex.

    I never got any of the visuals like you described though. I wish. Sounds amazing.

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