My girlfriend and i have been together for more than a year, she loves me so much but that is the only thing i am sure of, she has low self-confidence and i am always trying to be there for her, but she started to say things

like: i am not sure if we are good together, i can’t live without you babe, i am not ready for a real relationship, I am not mature enough for this, i hate myself, you ate the best thing that happen to me …etc

Her low self-confidence makes her that way and i am totally good with that, i love to help her and see her gets better
But i can’t accept the fact that she doesn’t want me as a boyfriend and wants me to stay for her as boyfriend at the same time

It’s okay that we have problems in our lifes, but now she is not even sure what is her feelings to me
And this is hard for me especially that i am sure she is not manipulative person
I don’t want to leave her and i don’t know how to help knowing that she doubts everything including me(and this hurts alot )

TLDR: she is giving me mixed signals because of her low self confidence and i am sure deep down her she loves me as i do but it’s hard to deal with her and i don’t know what to do

  1. Given that she has said she hates herself, she should be discussing this with a therapist, Do you think she would be willing and able to get therapy?

  2. sometimes its just a case of right person wrong time. you both should step back from the relationship, you can keep in contact but she needs to get into something like therapy to help fix these issues, you both need to know each other more, and then when the time comes, try again. if it doesnt, then at least it happened now and not later and you both can be better people in the end. good luck

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