Yeah, I’m really starting to hate my boyfriend’s sister. Let me just cut to the chase…. here’s why:

•She uses me to give her rides to different places around town

•She told me that my family is “messed up”/“chaotic”

•She yelled at me and told me to use common sense when I asked her why she was upset

•She got mad at me for telling her brother (AKA my boyfriend) that something was wrong with their family’s dog… mind you she never, ever told me not to tell him about the issue with the dog

•I rarely talk about myself or about my problems to her. However if I do, she doesn’t seem to care about them or acknowledge them though. She always complains to me about things going on in her life though

•When I found out that my sister tested positive for covid recently, I was hanging out with her. I obviously told her the news, and her response was “Oh my fucking God, of course. I just wanted to see my boyfriend this weekend”. I was never sick when I was around her, and I was not aware about my sister having covid before I hung out with her obviously

•She makes fun of things I say or do

•I heard her talking about me to her mom while I was on FaceTime with my boyfriend, and she was telling her all about how I yelled at my boyfriend (we had a minor argument). She could have confronted me instead if she was so worried about it but frankly it was none of her business

•She got mad at her mom for not giving her an iPhone for Christmas and complained to me about it. She also said that I didn’t follow her Christmas list. I bought her an expensive necklace and some other little nice things

•She says I’m a “blabbermouth” because I don’t agree with lying to her mom about where I’m taking/driving her to. She also just thinks I am one in general

Basically she thinks I’m a total piece of shit that she can just use! I don’t know what to do here because she’s my boyfriend’s sister. Being around her makes me feel drained. How do I stop all of this? What do I say to her?

1 comment
  1. Why do you hang out with her? Most people I know aren’t that close to their partner’s siblings. If you distance yourself from her and your boyfriend gets upset, then it’s a boyfriend problem you have. It’s always ok to cut toxic people out.

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