Sooo uhhm earlier I sent a dick pic to my gf. Thank god we’ve agreed to not tell anyone, if we did tell anyone I’d have got a lot of shit for it.

My friends really want me and my gf to fuck for some reason, and funny thing uhm, we’ve both said that not only are we okay with having sex, but also my gf has said she would fuck me if I ever wanted to have sex so for all I know, we could give those wierd fucks what they want at some point.

Even though we’ve only been together for just over a month, she already knows my darkest secrets.

Okay I just want to gush abt her for a bit. She is the nicest person I’ve ever met! She has the cutest face! She shows me way more love than I deserve, she could have picked any guy and she chose me I feel like the luckiest person in the universe to be with her!!! She’s got the hottest body, best sense of humour, most amazing way of showing her love, she is absolutely amazing!!!

Kk so what do u all think I should do when it comes to the sexual tension in our relationship? I need to know bc I have no clue.

  1. Please understand that if you aren’t both legally of age where you are, you could be breaking laws (even with just a photo) that could send you to prison for a very long time. That may seem wrong if you care for one another and are agreeing to things together, but it is still a real risk. If that was the case and anyone ever saw the photo, perhaps someone else was being nosy, you are in danger. Please be smart, and careful with each other.

  2. Please don’t post sex related stuff when you’re clearly underage. Not only does it make sane people uncomfortable, but it also allows for the weirdos to post and give horrible advice.

    Stop sending eachother pics. That is illegal. If you two make the choice to have sex, make sure without a shadow of a doubt that you are both completely consenting and understand the expectations outside of the bedroom, which means dont go telling your friends when it happens. They don’t need to know such intimate details and that’s a quick way to have a breakup. And for the love of all that is holy please wear a condom. If you do not have a condom or a way to get a condom, don’t have penetrative sex. Stay safe.

  3. I half expected OP to say he passed her a note “Wanna fuck – yes – no – maybe “

  4. Your question is kind of like “me and my girlfriend are hungry, my friends say we should go get some food. What should we do?”

    I guess you should wait until you are hungry enough that you don’t have the patience to wait for us to answer lol.

  5. If you’re in high school, don’t. Too young to be messing around with this and it really will mess with your head for future relationships. A month is jot long enough.

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