I live alone in my mom’s old house. She doesn’t have a dryer and she stops by a couple times a week to do laundry and get her mail.

I smoke cigarettes in my bedroom but I don’t want her to know that I smoke in the house. She knows I smoke and she gets angry about it.

I smoked a cig and then took a nap. I didn’t know if she would stop by or not and I didn’t want her to possibly smell it so I closed my bedroom door.

She came over while I was sleeping because there were clothes in the dryer when I woke up.

Yesterday I went to her house to drop her clothes off. She asked me why I sleep with my door closed and if there was a reason why I sleep with it closed. Wtf?

**tl;dr**: Why would she ask me this?

  1. One, if you’re living there rent free and she doesn’t want you smoking in the house, maybe smoke outside?

    But if you’re going to keep doing it, just tell her you prefer the door closed. Open doors freak lots of people out.

  2. She’s just being nosey. I have one that asks a lot of questions, too. If they ask what they want to ask they will sound rude or intrusive so they say the closest general question that will lead to the answer they want. And often times it just sounds strange as hell. If you want my advice, learn how to dodge her questions before she is all up in your business and trying to control or shame you. At least that’s what I’ve had to do in the past.

  3. Safety – It slows smoke build up in your room if there’s a fire.

    Or there’s a draft if you don’t.

    Or you thought she might stop by and closed the door so it wouldn’t wake you up.

  4. She is treating you like an adult. She is dropping a hint that she can smell the cigarette smoke (because everyone can; a closed door does not stop that) and knows you are smoking in the house when she has been clear she doesn’t want you to.

    Now it’s time for you to behave like an adult. Teenagers are dumb enough to think their parents can’t smell it. Don’t act like a teenager. If you want to smoke in the house, say so, and don’t try to hide it.

  5. Don’t be such a person. The smoke will never get out of everything and she knows, cigarette smoke stinks up the whole house.

  6. She can smell it in your room. The door is not going to keep the smell out. Highly likely she’s just subtly telling you she knows and isn’t happy about it.

    Thankfully there’s a solution. Show a little respect and go outside. You aren’t hiding it, sprays do not cover it, and just because you can’t smell it doesn’t mean everyone else can’t either.

  7. It is disrespectful to smoke in her house if she’s asked you not to. She was asking about your door because she suspects you are smoking.

  8. Uh because she knows what you’re doing and is trying to beat around the bush. Closing a door doesn’t stop smoke from escaping.

  9. It’s her house, her rules – go tf outside to smoke, or your poor mother will never get the smell out again. You are significantly lowering the value of her property that she lets you use FOR FREE – the least you could do is respect her rules and not destroy her property.

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