I personally find compliments from men more genuine because they seem rare and I love when male friends aren’t afraid to give compliments.

  1. I tell my boys they look good all the time and if I was a chick I’d suck them off here and now, hell sometimes I even say you better stop giving me those eyes if you don’t want me to pull your pants down and blow you immediately

  2. Very! I like my friends and let them know often. I am one to notice a new shirt or shoes, a new haircut, a new mug or a new hat and let them know, regardless of gender, that i think they look nifty!

    I am a married man in my mid 30’s with one daughter and maintain a large and fun friend group, mainly comprised of women since I am a SAHD and frequent the parks with primarily moms.

    I for sure tell my dad friends that they look nice when I notice something cool or different.

  3. I compliment my friends easily when I see them or engage with them digitally – if it makes sense to do so in the moment.

    People I’m friendly with at work, I only compliment very carefully – especially with women because I don’t want to make anyone uncomfortable and I never know what people think of me or how they read my non-verbals and I’m never sure I’m reading theirs correctly – so, I try to keep things professional & friendly without anything that could be misinterpreted.

  4. I do it pretty regularly. However, I’ve been in a leadership position a bit and I find that when you give sincere, deserved compliments, they REALLY increase the loyalty you get in return.

    A couple other things I’ve found:

    Don’t have status meetings. Instead, go to each guy informally and let him show off what he’s accomplished. A guy who has been working hard on something that’s maybe not so visible but that’s valuable LOVES to show his good work. Give him that opportunity. It will give you great insight into how he’s spending his time and it might give you ideas about how best to deploy that guy.

    If you have a guy who is just not going to try hard working and who politics more than teamworks, get rid of his ass. He brings down morale of your good guys.

    Watch for who makes everyone else happy to be at work and who makes people dread work. Get rid of the people who make your other people unhappy.

    Remember: Your narcissists and your sociopaths will be focusing all their skill and effort on making you think they are your good people and that your good people are narcissists and sociopaths.

  5. Very comfortable. Unfortunately a lot of people are very uncomfortable with *receiving* compliments, though.

    Which makes no sense to me. And it seems to mostly be men, in my experience. Maybe it’s some weird homophobic thing. I’m not gay and there’s no reason to assume that I am, but maybe they’re just weird about being complimented by dudes. Like I said, it makes no sense to me and reeks of insecurity.

  6. Male, comfortable.

    Female, besides my mom and wife, not at all. One less thing for women to complain about.

  7. Totally comfortable, most people like receiving compliments.

    Although I try to stick to complimenting achievements or choices (eg: “Your hard work at the gym is really paying off!” not just “You look nice”)

  8. Male: extremely comfortable, we compliment each other all the time

    Female: I don’t have female friends

  9. I have no issues complimenting men or women because I try to always say them from a place of genuineness.

    But i never make physical compliments. That runs the risk of being creepy

  10. Males I do it sometimes

    Females are slightly rarer but since I have rapport with them, both of us don’t mind

  11. Complimenting them and their accomplishments? Totally comfortable.

    Getting compliments myself? Makes me extremely uncomfortable.

  12. It depends on how comfortable they are around me. If we are close I’ll give a compliment when it’s due

  13. Pretty comfortable both ways, but I do think a little more if it’s one of my female friends on a physical level

  14. The only times I really compliment someone is when they do something I didn’t expect of them, or I like their clothes

    I feel more comfortable complimenting a guy because there’s no implication

  15. no problem complimenting my guy friends. don’t want to make the girls uncomfortable. they get enough compliments from girls and other guys lol, they won’t miss mine.

  16. I am comfortable complimenting males and females on their appearance. I know how nice the feeling is when you are recognized. Sometimes we get so caught up in our day-to-day that we forget to acknowledge one another

  17. I’m very comfortable complimenting my guy friends in just about any way verbally in person and thru text. Non guy friends I’m a bit more careful, it wouldn’t even be anything physical unless I have a more intimate, physical relationship with them. I try to keep it light and genuine, if there’s something I really notice that shines about them, style, smile, awareness, something. Everybody’s got something I think they’re really proficient, aware, good at, something. Or something they like.

  18. I haven’t complimented a female besides my mother and sister in years now. Males I’ll throw a compliment here and there. I don’t even compliment girls on dates.

  19. Comfortable. Though I feel like men really thrive when getting a compliment while women just acknowledge it.

  20. Very comfortable giving to both – the key is complimenting things they control, like nice haircut, cool shirt, etc etc

  21. I’m 100% comfortable complimenting both male and female friends. They know if I say it, I mean it.

  22. I’ve only complimented a few people in my lifetime, all men.

    I don’t compliment women because I don’t have female friends.

  23. I compliment any and everyone tbh !!! Your hair is nice “oh I love your hair” you smell good “Omg you smell so good “ I’m just a complimenting person lol 😂 I give out compliments everyday tbh !

  24. I feel pretty comfortable complimenting men I know I like it when other men compliment me, female it can be tricky complimenting for me unless I know them well cause I feel they’ll assume I’m trying to hit on them

  25. I end up not complimenting anyone since I don’t like receiving compliments myself. Either that or I just don’t find an incentive to unless something stands out in front of them.

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