Hi first post here. How do I reconnect online with two of my better friends?

Friend A usually responds with single words like yes/no, or no response. In fewer cases we start talking (text) like normal humans and it’s great. We both respond in a day to a week. I rarely talk irl and don’t think I’m spamming, but sometimes I end with like 5 paragraphs written on different days, and no response from Friend A for weeks. Or I get the one word reply.

Friend B talks more but is on a site I rarely use. So partly my fault I guess I visit there about once a season. So when I respond I’m not sure if I’m supposed to wait the 3 months usual cadence or longer? Everything takes months so I’m always worried if my last text maybe annoy or offend Friend B in any way.

I usually don’t use questions since that feels like it’s compelling others to respond, instead of freely talking, but I’m not sure. Maybe I need a book on social texting for noobs, and another book for using sns for dummies. When I see the marks like ‘away’, ‘delivered’, ‘read’ etc I don’t know am I supposed to do something or interpret it some way. I prefer not to be seen as the annoying friend who spams too much.

These better friends are the rare people who ever proactively talked to me. I’d like to also reconnect with all my other old friends too, who only passively respond once, if lucky, and won’t continue the conversation beyond one response. How do I navigate this without seeming pushy to them?

  1. Is there a general timeframe where a friend just needs time to respond versus they forgot or won’t respond? Does a month wait time sound reasonable?

  2. I sent an animated hello to my friend. Hopefully a good compromise between wasting paragraphs or waiting long.

    Also I realized everyone’s on different timezones, maybe even preferred languages. But some fly so often there’s no way to know which timezone most suit their response.

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