I recently started expressing my feelings unapologetically in romantic situations. Even if someone did me wrong but I missed them afterwards for an example. Recently I had a guy I used to be involved with come visit me coz I moved to another country. He crossed some of my boundaries and I had to ask him to leave my apartment on day 5. (He came for 10 days). After he left we had no contact. On his last day, I send him a msg, how i was heartbroken after I kicked him out and how I never expected that much chaos. I told him I missed him and wished him a safe flight. Even though he did me wrong.
I realised that if I feel something its there for a reason and if it not expressed im the only one that suffers. Im tired of having “dignity”, saving face, bla bla. There is nothing more beautiful and liberating than saying how you feel without caring about being judged or seen as pathetic. Of course I word it in a way where I dont expect anything, like im not fishing for a reply. Thoughts on this? Thank you

TL;DR. I realised that if I feel something its there for a reason and if it not expressed im the only one that suffers. Im tired of having “dignity”, saving face, bla bla. There is nothing more beautiful and liberating than saying how you feel without caring about being judged or seen as pathetic.

  1. Speaking your feelings is liberating. Good for you on that, but this is how people take advantage of you. Be safe.

  2. So you don’t consider at all whether what you’re saying is kind or helpful. The only thing that matters is whether *you* feel liberated.

  3. I love your concept and I even believe in it. The many times I did this I was shunned/ledt/ghosted… etc.

    Romantic relationships are like a game nowadays and divulging all your feelings like that kinda ends the game too early…

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