And tell us why.

  1. Barack Obama and Mike Madigan, respectively.

    Obama was a good president and a great leader. Madigan was so flagrantly and publicly corrupt that it spat in the face of the entire concept of ethics

  2. I like John Adams, the Kennedys, the first voluntarily out Congress person in the US – Barney Frank, and first out state legislator-Elaine Noble– and I like Elizabeth Warren a lot.

  3. Proud: Doug Jones and Terri Sewell.

    Ashamed: Every other motherfucker. Special mention to Barry Moore.

  4. Claiming my birth state of Virginia for this.

    Most proud: George Washington because he’s an old family friend after my 7x great grandpa beat him unconscious with a cane and he later made quite the name for himself

    Most ashamed: Glenn Youngkin because he’s a fuckwad

  5. Big fan of our current governor. And to reach across the aisle, always proud to have a president hailing from our state – especially seeing as Gerald Ford seemed to have been a real respectable guy.

  6. Where I live now (Illinois) it would be Obama for proudest former politician and Madigan for worst former politician.

    Of current politicians? I really dislike Lightfoot and Pritzker is just a rich prick. Canā€™t think of one I really like. Duckworth is pretty cool but idk enough about her to make a firm decision.

  7. I donā€™t really have pride for any recent politician from Maryland. We produced Spiro Agnew I guess though

    Charles Carroll of Carrollton would probably be my answer

  8. Going with California as that’s where I live now just so I can say fuck Kevin McCarthy. (Unless we’re talking all time and that would be ol’ Ronnie Raygun. Or Nixon. Or Nunes. There’s a bunch.)

    As for most proud of? Maybe Adam Schiff or Katie Porter (depending on whether the current stories about her are true or not).

  9. Proudest would be Adlai Stevenson. Ran for president twice and made the hell freezing over quote. Most ashamed would either be Madigan or Blagoivitch

  10. He’s dead now, but the Great John Glenn represented Ohio well.

    Gym Jordan can go to hell. It’s in the name.

  11. Truman was supposed to be a great president. Before my time, so it’s all left to history now.

    Embarrassed by Josh Hawley. That guy is more hated in Congress than Ted Cruz.

  12. Proud: Tammy Baldwin. she’s particularly strong on healthcare & she’s also the first openly lesbian woman elected to the House & the Senate.

    Ashamed: several choices here, but Scott Walker is really embarrassing. [Wisconsin has a monument to commemorate his failure.](×2268+0+378/resize/1280×720!/quality/90/?

  13. Proud: Thomas Jefferson

    Ashamed: I can’t remember the name at the moment, but there was one colonial governor that was inept and significantly worsened the relationship with the Powhatan.

  14. Most proud of: Scott Wiener, for doing more as a one legislator to fight the CA housing crisis and vanquish pernicious NIMBYism than anyone else ever

    Least proud of: Richard Nixon (obvious reasons)

  15. California: itā€™s hard to choose a favorite. Lotā€™s of interesting people, itā€™s a big state.

    Least favorite is easy: Reagan. There isnā€™t a single thing gone sour today that doesnā€™t have his jelly bean fingerprints on it.

  16. From Ohio. Not sure if you mean currently or historically and in terms of Congressional or local politics, so Iā€™ll go with currently in Congress (plus maybe a state one).

    Proud of? Sherrod Brown. Dudeā€™s the only politician whoā€™s responded to my questions and letters over the years (granted, theyā€™re copy and paste answers, but I understand why. Itā€™s at least *something*). He also seems like a decent dude with a seemingly good record. Definitely worthy of a rerun in 2024.

    His Republican equivalent up until last year, Rob Portman, honestly wasnā€™t horrible. He even helped pass the equal marriage laws last December and has been a decent proponent for marriage equality (a rarity for current Republicans, unfortunately). He was also responding to my letters and questions, which was good. His anti-abortion shtick sucks, but beyond that, not *the* worse.

    Ashamed of?ā€¦. Yeah, hard to pick one. šŸ˜‚

    – Mike DeWineā€™s (our governor) a basic politician at best, but a corrupt, anti-choice and anti-democratic asshat at worse whose best point in my eyes is that heā€™s not a total Trumpie. Not really saying much, though, when he also basically said ā€œfuck youā€ to the 10-year-old rape victim last year and the recent train derailment.

    – Jim Jordanā€™s a potential predator who basically fucked over underaged rape victims and even laughed at someone with a disability, all while not even passing a single damn bill in his entire existence in politics. Moving on.

    – JD Vance. Why the fuck did we vote for him over Tim Ryan??? So far, all heā€™s done is stick his tongue out for the stinky Trump hole (right as a lot of other Republicans have finally closed their mouths, mind you).

  17. Man, I feel like Illinoisans are really letting the Daleys off the hook. The political machine built by the first led to absolute massive corruption that is almost endemic to our city now while the second used that machine to consolidate his own power in such a manner that put the city on its path to near bankruptcy which resulted in so many of the problems the city faces today. Like madigan was definitely corrupt and basically wrote the law so he would get away with it, but even that arguably was a lesser evil than damn near bankrupting the third biggest city in the country.

  18. Not really fond of any current Michigan politician and donā€™t know enough about Ford to say anything about him politically other than ā€œyay president from Michiganā€.

  19. Proud? Dick Riley or Jim Clyburn, I guess, unless you want to count the Grimke sisters as politicians. Ashamed? I have a list.

  20. If weā€™re talking about current politicians,

    Proud: David Beasley. Heā€™s actually been out of politics for decades but he was a decent governor and he currently runs the World Food Programme. From what Iā€™ve read heā€™s done a great job promoting them. The org actually got the Nobel Peace Prize 2 years ago.

    Ashamed: itā€™s got to be Lindsey Graham. Democrats hate him. Republicans hate him. South Carolinians canā€™t stand him, and yet he always gets re-elected. Itā€™s very frustrating. To paraphrase Barack Obama ā€œLindsey is like the guy in the spy movie that double crosses everyoneā€The only compliment I can give him is that heā€™s a canny politician. I dislike him because heā€™s a chameleon. I can respect politicians that have different beliefs than me but Graham doesnā€™t have any beliefs, just temporary positions.

  21. Speaking of New York where I currently live.

    Most proud: none of them that I know are really that remarkable. Eric Adams looks like a decent guy, although he’s not perfect either.

    Most ashamed: George Santos and Elise Stefanik.

  22. Proud of Frank Church, Chair of Senate Foreign Relations Committee during the Cold War. Good for the US, good Dad, nice human.

    Embarrassed of our State Legislature for the past couple decades.

    And here we have Idaho.

  23. Dan Forest did a good job at Lt Governor, he didn’t win the governorship but he actually had a spine and would have been a better governor than what we got, Ted Budd has been right a few times so, maybe I could almost use the word “proud”, but proud is not a word to often associate with politicians.

    Most ashamed would be a toss-up between Thom Tillis and Richard Burr. Backstabbing cowards both of them.

  24. George Washington

    Glenn Younkin and McDonnell were terrible governors. Northum had his issues. We’re not New Jersey or Chicago bad though.

  25. I’m pretty proud of Polis, he’s a pretty good governor.

    If you had asked this question years ago I’d have said that I was ashamed of Cory Gardner. Then Lauren Bobert came along and I don’t think we could do worse.

  26. Proudest: Charles Booker, though Andy Beshear is good too.

    Least proud: Mitch McConnell, thatā€™s kind of a given.

  27. Originally from Arizona, though I’m stretching the term politician with these.

    Most proud would be Sandra Day O’Connor. Least would be Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

    Edit for my why: O’Connor was the first woman on SCOTUS. Arpaio committed a constant string of human right violations and cost the state so much money defending him over them.

  28. Proud of Gabby Giffords, obviously. And maybe not proud of, but Carl Hayden’s approach to politics matches my own, and its scarily effective and accomplishes a lot.

    Ashamed? Erm…around 95 percent of our politicians are fucking hilarious, and not in a good way. Also, fuck Joe Arpaio.

  29. The ex-Sheriff of the county I live in now tried to charge prisoners for meals and haircuts and offered to send inmates to help build the border wall. Luckily he got voted out in November.

    Iā€™m most proud of Charles Sumner, such an ardent abolitionist he was nearly beaten to death on the house floor for speaking out against slavery.

  30. I donā€™t know which to be most proud of but DC Stephenson is most ashamed. Hopefully he is burning in hell, forgotten, and loathed intensely if ever remembered.

  31. Frederick Douglass was an appointed politician and not an elected one but he’s a fuckin badass from Maryland and I’ll bring him up when I can. Least respected I dunno, I think Spiro Agnew was from MD or like governor at some point? Fuck Andy Harris and Larry Hogan but like they’re just run of the mill conservative politicians I’m not ashamed of them or whatever.

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