So context. My boyfriend slapped me a couple times during sex. Not on the ass but across the face. It was 10/10. But I guess I didn’t express how much I enjoyed it enough cause he kinda just randomly stopped doing it one day. It was in line with us also having gentler sex which is also fine. But a few weeks ago I got slapped across the face pretty hard outside of a sexual situation by a friend. It was divine. I need it again. I want my boyfriend to honestly beat the shit out of me but up until this point I haven’t expressed an interest in really violent stuff. How do I initiate getting my ass beat? I feel like he’d really enjoy it since he’s talked about being harsh and dominant when we first started dating

  1. There’s enough examples on porn sites, maybe find one that looks right to you and ask him what he thinks of it and would he be happy doing it to you

  2. Start learning about safe BDSM and have an open talk with him about what you want to explore.

  3. Just talk to him, pretty sure he will like it to, once he slapped you across the face already

  4. You’d be putting your bf in a risky situation with the law. I’m not sure many guys would be comfortable with that

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