what is the REAL reason behind the No Fap Movement?

  1. Dunno, but they are really weird people, more of a religious cult than a movement if you ask me.

  2. For a few people its just smth to make memes out of but for most who participate its a genuine attempt to escape an addiction thats so wide spread in men. It gives an excuse to fight your brain telling you to do it for quick dopamine.

  3. i never understood it. what do people benefit from NOT bopping the clown? seems like it would just hurt more than anything.

  4. I guess some people reached the grand epiphany that exercising self-control over some part of your live makes it easier to get your shit together in general.

    And then a whole lot of esoteric bro science piled on top of that.

  5. Some people think that fapping effects sexual chemistry in marriage. I started fapping more because of my dead bedroom.

  6. To limit and/or eliminate porn addiction.

    To invest renewed energy and focus on self improvement, career and physical health.

    Reduce focusing on women all the time and get your shot together

    To stop following, subscribing and wasting time on IG models and OF workers. And actually work on social anxiety, depression and loneliness.

  7. Seems like a fad that just gained some traction when celebrities started talking about it a little. I mean it’s a cool little challenge to try and see how long you can go out of curiosity, but to think it gives you super powers is just insanity. I can also see wanting to try a dopamine detox type scenario to help make things more enjoyable again, but I don’t know man. This seems like a weird cult like thing spreading all kinds of bizarre messages. It’s kinda fucked if you ask me.

  8. It’s a similar thing as dropping tech for a while. Its a dopamine reset. I’m not sure why people consider it’s bad thing, if it gives young men chance to understand that porn isn’t generally a representation of a real sexual encounter

  9. It’s the same reason why “one simple trick” videos and clickbait articles are popular. I don’t want to be told that I have to do hard work to get what I want. That’s intimidating. I want that “simple trick” that will change my life.

    That results in dudes who feel lost being told that not jerking off will change everything. Sometimes they actually take the necessary steps to change for the better at the same time. Maybe the catalyst is the placebo effect, maybe it’s the small amount of self-discipline it takes. I’m not sure.

  10. I think they are people addicted to porn and beating off, and when you’re addicted to something like that, especially as a younger person they feel like it runs their lives. The porn has to get more and more crazy for them to be interested, they lose big chunks of time throughout the day, and it probably feels like losing control. Reclaiming that time and sanity would be valuable to someone.

  11. Real reason?

    My brother in christ, it varies from person to person.

    Are there some absolutely bad actors in the movement just trying to shove their own ideology down men’s throats? Yes, but is that the real reason? No, that’s insane.

  12. People are always looking for simple answers to complicated problems. No Fap is just another turmeric capsule or standing desk.

  13. Personally, I suspect it’s woke propaganda that wants to mask the real problems men face in dating and relationships by blaming it on porn and making up a challenge that should “help” with that.

  14. People feel like they have no control over anything

    This is something they can have control over; and it’s difficult, as they have to fight against base genetic urges. So in their minds it’s a worthy accomplishment and thus they feel good about themselves

  15. I think it’s the wrong approach. There’s nothing wrong with watching porn, or masturbating or otherwise. The problems a lot of people in those communities have go way beyond their sex problems, and should be addressed with a professional. And you can’t say things like this there either. It can be very toxic. However I don’t think there is anything wrong with moderation, recharging, taking a break, which I think is what most people counting their “sober” days there are doing without knowing it. Why complicate it and add more pressure and guilt? Just stop doing things that make you feel like shit and learn to accept who you are for all your darkness and quirks.

  16. People have so conflated masturbation with pornography that they can’t even imagine one without the other. What they really want to stop is their porn addiction from what I’ve seen. But the only way they see doing that is not masturbating at all because, again, porn and masturbation are seen as one and the same.

    I hit puberty just before the Internet was a household thing. So for me pornography was actually quite rare until I was already an adult.

  17. Some people want to break their porn addiction. That starts with not giving yourself a reason to view porn.

  18. It’s just such an easy answer when trying to make up some rules for success. Read, exercise, don’t jack off, wake up early etc.

    It’s not bad advice, it’s very good for guys addicted to porn but won’t boost your productivity, testosterone or anything like that. If you’re in control of yourself it’s fine and healthy to relax and rub one out here and there.

  19. It was founded based on the results of a Chinese study in the early 2000s that men who refrain from ejaculation for a week experience a spike of testosterone of about 150%%, is heavily backed by the research of anti-porn activist Gary Wilson (whose claims are not supported by any reputable scientific or academic studies).

    Long story short it was originally a small internet self help group that peddled something more akin to a fad-diet. Somewhere along the line it’s userbase got hijacked by anti-masturbation and the anti-pornography movements.

  20. Porn addiction. We live in a world that our ancestors would’ve literally killed for, you can see millions of naked attractive people anytime you want, doing anything you wanna see, all for free. Sooner or later it becomes too much and if you don’t take control of it, it’ll take control of you

  21. What if I told you sex and spirituality are one and the same. Your relative level of ‘being’ is determined by how you use this energy. In fact, this ‘no fap’ is one of the core teachings of the Gnostics. Learning to restrain from orgasm can allow this creative energy to be directed in more constructive behaviors. Even to the extent of being able to completely transcend the physical body. The whole story of Adam and Eve is essentially symbolic of this more ‘chaste’ approach to sexuality.

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